Anime Drawing 007: Luffy Gear 4th First Time - One Piece
Hello Steemians,
I bring to you on this fine day my finished drawing of Luffy Gear 4th from One Piece.
This is the reference I have been using for this drawing, it is the first time gear 4th is revealed in the anime. Followed by a sequence of scenes that are pure awesome.
This reference is a screenshot of the frame from the anime, I do not own it and I recommend watching One Piece if you have plenty of time. Episode 794 was release today I believe.
The Final Drawing
Stage 1 -
Blocking out the general shape and size of things, using a blue pencil.
Stage 2 -
Refine the blocked out shapes using the blue pencil for the last time.
Stage 3 -
Pick the line that really make up the character. Earlier in the week I talked about skipping stages and this is where the skipping happened. I would usually pass over the blue layers with a H2 or H3 pencil picking out the lines I like before repeating with a HB but this time I went straight onto the HB pencil.
Stage 4 -
Using fine tipped pen set in the lines that make the character trying no to miss any as once this layer is done I usually pass over the entire page with a rubber. I missed a few lines in this stage and didn't notice until I had gaps in the line work, this isn't really a problem and it is easy enough to drop them in without the pencil work but I do prefer getting the all before erasing the pencil lines.
Final Stage -
Shading time, after erasing the old lines drop some shading in.
I'll be honest I've taken to a lot of skipping by the end of this drawing as I wanted to get it out to you today. In the shading stage there is also the highlighting stage which I skipped, really these details should be in the drawing so forgive me on that. I also skipping a primary layer of pencil before really deciding on the lines and I mentioned doing this earlier in the week and to be honest it works fine, so I think I can get away without doing multiple layers of pencil line work in future.
Critical Analysis ( I can't promise this for every drawing )
The major issue with this drawing is that I got lazy towards the end and started skipping stages. A major aspect to drawing is being able to put the time in to focus in on the small details that make it shine. I feel a little bad for doing this but I had a second reason other than just being lazy. As the drawing progressed I had a feeling of being cramped in on an A4 page and that meant when I looked in to add highlights and small details I just didn't have clearly enough space.
There is another major problem with this drawing that I chose to leave in even though I spotted it during stage 1. Firstly sorry for leaving it in but I did that so that I could explain it now.
Mostly this drawing has decent perspective and the proportions of the character seem to fit well, I wont go into all the actual proportion and perspective issues but there is one clear big one. Luffy's left arm( right on the drawing ) is damn awful in both perspective and proportion.
How did I spot it? easily with a neat trick I learnt at uni.
If perspective and proportions are correct then the drawing should look and feel the same reversed. The easiest way to do this when work on paper is the hold the drawing up to a decent light source, the window or light bulb later in the day. On photoshop or another image manipulation package there is the handy flip canvas tools which do the exact same trick. I have in the passed become victim to flipping the image that much I've forgotten which way I started and also end up with 2 separate areas with issues even though I started with 1.
When trying the neat trick for the first time do not get hooked on using it, it is a really good trick but it doesn't always solve problems but creates them.
This drawing was requested by @htliao I hope you like it and that I have done Gear 4th justice.
If you'd like me to draw a character make sure to leave a comment with your requests.
Or save your idea.
As I am fast approaching 300 followers I have decided to do a requested drawing event where the person who made the request gets 50% of the payout for that drawing. More details should be posted about this soon, hopefully I get time before I hit 300 but don't worry if I don't I will still be running this drawing request event.
Until next time,
Stay well.
You talk about getting lazy to the end. Many people do not realize that artwork is... work. Many of us who do this see it is a labor of love but it takes a certain constitution to produce work there is a very least an internal cost for anyone who really works at their art. Upvoted and followed.
These are some great words that ring true.
Sorry that I got a little lazy towards the end.
I put a lot of effort into the early stages and it does mean that not much quality is lost in laziness but there are so many extra details and finishes that could be done on this because I was lazy.
I have the same thing happen. If a picture is worth a thousand words then it may be true that it also happens to have at least that many nuances.
Thank you, it is awesome. I remember that's probably me asking you to draw that and you really did, that is amazing. So happy to see Luffy being vividly drawn by your great drawing skills. Upvoted
Thanks a lot man :D
I always go back to the post where the request was made I tried convince you of an earlier form but was happy to do Gear 4th.
If you'd like any other characters drawing feel free to make a request.
I will be holding a request event soon when I reach 300 followers so you might want to hold off for that.
I will be doing another drawing in the time until then though and haven't decided on anything yet
Thank you, I will probably make a request on your 300 followers post xd Actually I have drawn a sketch of Luffy too, but that was long time ago.
and below is Zolo:

These are great
Just after the time skip :D
very nice drawing:) Many people were let down by gear 4th..they expected something else maybe but I found it pretty cool :P
I haven't heard any people feeling let down but I imagine you are right, there are always haters. I think it was an awesome transformation and quiet funny at the same time, it matches luffy's character :D
Yeah it is very one piece style power up :P
Great drawing of Luffy!! Love the action. He was always my favorite in One Piece with his attitude and abilities :) I never got to watch the whole series..but oh do i want to catch up again now!
Lol..."using whole series" when talking about one piece...that going too far into the future of the series.Close to 800 Episodes now and the series still feel like is just starting.
Thank very much.
how far did you get? Its definitely worth catching up on!
Realy awesome drawing....I watch one piece, its really nice and entertaining.....Luffy has one of the best personality among anime characters
This a great drawing! I like your proportions a little more than the reference you used. The head is larger in relation to the arms which I like.
Thanks and fair enough :)
Can you draw Batman?
Yes I can that is an epic suggestion.
I'll see if any other steemers requests come in before making a start.
I finda reference and put it in a reply
the best anime character in the world...Luffy
You are very talented - all the best
This is a very