Learning to Draw: Day 1 of 30: LIPS!

in #drawing7 years ago

I have always wanted to learn how to draw as a kid, I mean who hasn't? I would sit in my room making comics instead of doing my school work for the day. But my skill level of drawing always remained at the level of a newborn that haven't even held a pencil before, i would usually give up after a day of drawing because "I didn't have the talent for it." I kick myself every time I pick up a pencil for letting myself believe that you had to have a natural talent to be a successful artist. Its all about the practice! So finally after a few days watching a few of @kaylinart dtube speed videos I thought I would give it a shot and get to practicing!

Where Do I Start?

After looking through Steemits #drawing tag I haven stumbled across a few artists and glanced over their work as I am usually a lurker here on Steemit. I have decided that I want to practice with realism drawing, mostly the human face.

So I thought I should select a part of the human face to study to began my exciting journey to labeling myself as a artist. So back I went to search for more posts on the human face and see if anything catches my eye and something did. I seen a post by @johnbattalgazi and fell in love with the way he drew lips. I wanted to do that. So I begun to draw lips.

As I realized I wont be where I want to be in 30 days of drawing I decided to do something bigger and better. For each part of the human body; lips, nose, ears, eyes etc.. I will be doing 30 days of just that body part. I believe that I will be able to achieve my goal in the 30 days if I remain committed to it.

Day 1:

I had zero art supplies in my house so I went to Staples and purchased a 12 pack of HB2 pencils and two sketch books that I plan to fill in these 30 days of drawing these lushes lips! The totall cost was only $11! so just around 2 STEEM! I was happy about that!

For my first time EVER drawing lips I think I did a really good job after watching a few videos on how to draw them and I am now able to draw lips without mostly looking at a video for guidance. I managed to draw 8 sets of lips in around 4 hours. I honestly never expected to be this dedicated. Having apples Chill Radio station playing in the background definitely helped me keep focused.

So here is the lips I managed to draw up in the first day:


WOW! Those lips look awesome! I'm glad you decided to start practicing. Art is such a fun hobby.

Thank you so much... I really appreciate the support you have shown me!

Go for it and good luck! This looks really amazing, keep going hehe
I guess ill do the same and join you on this 30 days practice !

oh how exciting! I'll follow your account and check it out each day!

wow the perfection looks really amazing looks like i need to learn too :D

Thank you! You should! We can do it together!

Wow amazing, your drawing art is perfection...
Good job...

far from perfection but thank you so much!

wow nice capture..it like a painting sir..different colours add beauty to it :)
very colourful..i totally agree with you..nature is the best artis..

This is only a sketch!

You know.. Its nice that you are already practising. I got two messages from two guys yesterday asking me to teach them to draw as good as I draw. I told em to go practise and learn how to use their pencils well.. You get skills the more you draw.

Nice... Pelease do try to use darker shades of pencils. Hb2 is a bit light. Use different pencils so you can widen your scope. A 2b pencil will do.

By the way.. I'll be starting tutorials on art here soon.. Do try to hang around till I start

Cool thanks! I just gave you a follow! I picked up a set of pencils I mostly use 4H, HB2 and 6B. I think you can really see it in the Day 3 post im about to submit

I'll be checking your blog out bro. Take care.

Thanks so much!

Art is all about the journey. It's a reflection of how you see the world. At first, you only see a glance into life. But as you practice, you start seeing new things you never noticed before. The details will become more focused and you see that no person or object is the same. These new subtleties will reflect in your art and your interactions with others.

Even tho im on day 3 of drawing lips I find myself looking at other peoples lips more closely now haha