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RE: Spider Coccoon

in #drawing7 years ago (edited)

Oh My God! That is an even more ridiculous sized pencil that the one from a few weeks ago (or it's the same pencil, just less?). I don't know how you can draw that well with a pencil stump.


is the same pencil XD i just didn't know where it was for a few weeks, since it's tiny and it was underneath a pile of stuff XD

I think it needs to go in the bin now. It's had a good life.

i.. i think i can squeeze one last piccar out of it, choo!!! ....

....... am a slave driver???????


Do you need me to send you some SBD so you can buy a new pencil? :)

XD noooooooo

... i have pencils !!!

.............. im just... i has hung ups~