Operation Dragon Slayer! or Just normal market behaviour? MUST READ.

in #dragon7 years ago (edited)

SO..... we are ALL sitting around in either one of these states:

  1. Pulling your hair out in regret of why I didn't sell out at the high!!! and then buy back in low.
  2. Crying yourself to sleep
  3. Stressed with sleepless nights.
  4. Blockfolio re-fresh king
  5. Ehhh I’m not worried the slightest let’s order a pizza, chill and watch all these noobs sell out. CHEAP COINS GALORE!
  6. Should I get a "proper" job 9-5!
  7. Screw this, I’m pulling all my money out or crypto and begging my boss for my old job back… with a pay cut!

Well I'll tell you what state I am in, it's ALWAYS between these two, 1 & 5! (So naturally, I no longer have ANY hair, and gained 15 lbs, I’ve been in this game too long lol)

You would be fooling yourself if you have no regret in these markets, all noobs, enthusiasts and even EXPERTS & DEVS would be kicking themselves if they didn't sell at the top and just watched their portfolio drop in value by 40% - 70%. The clever folks would have triaged into USDT and then bought back in at the lows with a much bigger purchasing power. However, from the news articles flying around USDT could potentially be a false haven THIS ALL DEPENDS on what the regulatory report comes out with for Bitfinex and Tether, so it has its own risks as does all crypto in general.


So many MANY of you, may have forgotten that around 7-8 weeks ago a reddit post surfaced and was dubbed Operation Dragon Slayer, could this be just THAT!!! Its doing what they said they would do?!?!?
Or could it just be a crack down in regulations and OVER media hype.

Some links to articles where I got a bit of my information to grasp this understanding of the conspiracy that has been circulating.


Operation dragon slayer basically said that a group of whales (Big FAT CATS) would drop the market so that they can buy up the coins cheap WHICH they are doing EXACTLY that NOW!!!

Who do you think is trying to buy up the BTC sell orders on the exchanges ?????????
If I'm not mistaken the markets are CRASHING the world is ending, why are people buying HUH! you ever asked yourself that question!!!
Well I’ll tell you who these people are, it’s the fat cats they sold off at the top dropping the price down and are doing this in stages so that they can now buy 3, 4, 5, 6 X their original holdings for the same price. And WHEN the price shoots back up WHICH IT WILL believe me IT WILL, they will be in a position to then hedge their portfolios better into ICOs and other investment vehicles.

Remember in this game we are the few and they are the MANY. They also control the GLOBAL News Media however we still have have social channels (while freedom lasts) so I would advise all social channel bloggers to remind the masses in this industry of these things.

The rich are only rich because we are the poor they will NEVER want us to have wealth as it will negate their position in this world.


IF you are the brave and can manage to HODL and chill in these times then pat yourself on the back and it will be rewarded with financial freedom.

If you are panicking and stressing ... DON'T we are ALL in the SAME BOAT we are ALL looking at the same market graphs and just need focus and vision.

Be positive, keep your head up, look forward to the next few days, weeks, months and years as GUESS WHAT, you get to live through these euphoric highs and the lows again and again as this is the industry you have chosen to follow and invest in. Be mentally prepared for the next big high and then drop and LEARN from the market and your mistakes.

My TWO advise for all of you would be;

  1. DO NOT be stressed, look at the brighter picture, you can always make more money in life but if your health is suffering because of the wild swing in these markets then no money in the world is worth ruining your health over, Pick another way to make money or investments.
  2. Feel free to use an approach I have coined (haven’t heard it anywhere else) it’s called the S.L.A.B approach. This stands for Sleep Like A Baby, only invest in things where you can sleep like a baby at night without worrying about the price volatility. This basically means invest in ONLY good projects and NOT pump and dumps.

Be strong fellow Cryptopians and you shall prevail.