TUTORIAL - drachmaeconnect.com - How to Win by activity in the forum and create your own crowdfunding to finance your project

in #draco9 years ago (edited)

Well guys, continuing the subject about the drachmae Project, will talk in this article about http://www.drachmaeconnect.com/, which I think, like most who are interested in cryptocoins.
In http://www.drachmaeconnect.com/ site you will have access to a plethora of information, both as direct links in the forum that exists on the site.
What are the advantages of participating in the site?

  • You can get to know about DRACO and also the DT tokens.
  • Almost immediate access the latest news drachmae Project.
  • Actively forum Participate and be rewarded for it. (I'll explain further on)
  • Create your own ICO within the site to raise funds. (I'll explain further on)

"Drachmae Connect enables social engagement and crowdfunding for the Drachmae Project Community.
Get rewarded for using the social platform with Drachmae Points and convert those points to DT Token which you may pledge to crowdfunding project to progress Drachmae Project community to new levels.

Donate bounties to projects created by Drachmae community.

Social engagement, Social incentives are the core to any community growth and project development future."

I want to explain about my experience of the site and what I learned.
DRACO met through BitcoinTalk forum, and the little I read about it, has won some of my interest, so I decided to delve more about and discovered the site.
And best of all, besides facilitating and acquiring more knowledge about the drachmae Project and their new achievements also too thought the fact that you can profit by being active and help grow the community.
And how can a profit there?
Simple, you register on the site through this link http://www.drachmaeconnect.com/invite?task=sign_up&inviter_id=a67f096809415ca1c9f112d96d27689b&method_of_invite=invite_by_url and actively participates in the forum, and is rewarded for it.
But it does not end there, now comes the best of all !!!
You have a good project? Need financial help to realize it?
Yeah, I also was in that situation, wanted to carry out a project, but could not finance it, and the large balcony of the site is to allow each registered user to create their own ICO to raise funds, which are financed by the members of the site through donations.

As to me, all who are involved or are beginning to be interested in cryptocoins aims to make money, see this site a great profit opportunity, and especially those seeking a good currency to invest, must surely consider investing this project!
Study, deepen and get your profit, do as I do today paid all my bills only with online jobs and investments.
Then I leave a tip, who started and have only smiles, enter the drachmae Project site and check out this great opportunity.

Now a little tutorial...

Earning points in the forum:
Basically, you register on the forum and has only gains to be active in the forum, activity points can be used for you to realize donations to crowdfunding. In other words, the community help.

How to create your own crowdfunding in 8 steps:
Step 1 - Sign Up in the forum via this link:

Step 2 - Enter this link to create your ICO:

Step 3 - 1. Campaign - Fill in the form of the first part:


Step 4 - 2. Promoter - Continue filling out the form, use real data:

Step 5 - 3. givebacks - Return part of your winnings:

Step 6 - 4. Photos - Here you put the main picture of your crowdfunding and photos to the gallery.

Step 7 - 5. Videos - Here you add marketing or descriptive videos for your project.

Step 8 - 6. Updates - Here you let your donors updated about their developments and advances.

All done? Now just you expect your project to be analyzed and its ICO is released to receive donations!

*I want to make a special thanks to Lee Gibson and Vlad who are giving me great support!

Important links:
http://www.drachmaeconnect.com/invite?task=sign_up&inviter_id=a67f096809415ca1c9f112d96d27689b&method_of_invite=invite_by_url (sign up)
www.drachmae.co.uk (Project Website)
www.drachmaeconnect.com (Community Platform)
www.drachmae.money (Bank & Marketplace)
www.drachmaetravel.gr (Travel Bookings Portal Greece)
www.drachmae.club (Travel Club Portal)