Dporn “Tag Line” Contest 200 PornD Token Reward - 5 Days To Go!
Come up with our Dporn Tag Line!

What do you think would be a great tag line for the first Decentralized Porn platform on SteemIt?
To get the brain cells going here is one to start with don’t want to do to many!
“Get D’Porn’d”
- (1) Entry per person
- Upvote or an ReSteem Or both to enter
- Bitshares account
What Is Next?
We’ll select them all and do another post for upvotes on each one. The winner will then be sent 100 PornD Tokens as the winner.

With our payout system you will feel more pleasure than when you actually are getting fucked.
There we go!
We will make you both horny, you and your wallet.
Lol, good one!
Don't wank for free! Wank for PornD!
Lool, just awesome!
Once again XD my entry
"Explicit, No limit, No Yawn with DPorn"
Already commented on the other one, but let the best tagline win.
Yes, may the best one win!
Your 'D-central'ization that's about more than just crytocurrency ;)
Thanks for your entry!
Porn that Pays
Very original and creative ;)
DPorn: It's the Steemiest
Ah, this one is good actually! awesome!
PornD is better than Tether :D
Last minute entry! xD
und was ist mit vice token?
Ist das nicht von Steemit?