20k delegation dpoll heads-up: What's the engagement of the 2 leading groups?
First of all, I just want to clarify this first - I'm not spreading any hate here at all :) No offense, no pointing fingers on particular members and definitely no threats of being an enemy to someone. I'm just a tech guy with a weakness for numbers.

Who's worth such mighty delegation?
Anyway, there's a dpoll for 20k SP delegation run by @theycallmedan. And altho I'm a part of one of the two leading groups (therefore biased), I genuinely think the winner should be a group which is helping the STEEM ecosystem the most. And what's the best metric for this in these times, when voting bots are everywhere? Deffo not rewards...but what about comments?Comments - the real metric of account importance
I genuinely believe this. Cuz you can buy as many votes as you want. But what about comments? You get comments from people only if:- Your content is sooooo amazing people come back to you and read it and comment
- You often comment somewhere else and you've created friendships - therefore people care about what you post and come to comment despite your content might not be the top-notch
Engagement comparison - @steemitbloggers & @steemchurch
These two are the leading groups in the poll right now. I've just checked the comment count of last 20 posts unter the tag #powerhousecreatives and #steemchurch. To see where the bigger engagement is. And to be honest, I was pretty surprised how huge the difference was.
Wow :O Well, that's a huge difference. If you don't believe me, just go and check for yourself. Obviously, it might be different when you'll be checking but I'm not lying - it's 19:11 CET right now and there are the current metrics (numbers).
I am just glad I could throw a vote in the bucket. Good luck and don't be afraid to throw a full upvote on all my shit posts with your new 20k in the bank.
somewhat depleted at the moment... but it's a start ;) Thank you for all the support!
VERY interesting stats @matkodurko! :) A clarification we can be proud of!
That's for sure! we are burning keyboards down from too much typing hahah :D
totally worth it! ;)
Yes, because if we win the delegation, I might be able to afford to buy extra band-aids for my owie fingertips... 😉 😂
That's an interesting observation @matkodurko! Although I'm not really surprised. Steemit Bloggers is built on engagement! Comments are a big part of our amazing support system. Which not only ensures support for all members, but also helps build our friendships within the community and makes it more like a family. I really hope we can win the dpoll this time!!
LOVE YOU!!!!!! @derekrichardson!!!! I love how you TRULY value what and WHO we are!
Perfectly said :) Oh, and we won btw :D
Always love your hilarious scientific approach to your blogs!
Engagement is the key for any blogger and @steemitbloggers certainly puts an emphasis on real community value through commenting, not through bid bots or other nonsense that goes on around here - real connections with real people - love it :)
Boom that's it :) Thx!
I find it really hard to say things, comments, maybe because I'm severely depressed and doomed, yes doomed I say, but I like steemitbloggers, or powerhouse creatives as called now. Been on steemit for over a year and find it a place to post my stuff; never going to be popular, but it seems I'm accepted, and maybe that's enough...
Oh @wales we love you!
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Im still not sure why you're so depressed all the time,,, I might be wrong in your particular case, but I kinda feel depression is a choice, not a state. Or?
... and numbers don't lie! :)
My parents used to say this always when I tried to make 'em believe I've learned hard for the exams :D
I really like maths! My mom says I am very good at it! one day I will be able to do cool stuff like this.
You are going to be amazing at no matter what you do do my baby xxx
Nice, I've always liked math as well..funny enough, the worse grade I ever got at the end of the year was actually from math :D But it was a year when I was deeeeeply in love and school wasn't so important hahah :D
btw how old r u exactly? You don't have to answer if you don't want, publishing your age online isn't always the best idea haha :D
I am 9 @matkodurko - and I am referring to me! "bootilicious" :P HAHAHHAHA
WHaaaat :D I'm puzzled now :DDD
ignore me LOL!!! It was poll psychosis :P
Awesomely stated, @matkodurko and those numbers actually speak to the reason that the Steemit Bloggers/Power House Creatives community kept me here on the blockchain.
Before that fateful day when @jaynie shared the Discord link with me, I was wandering around Steemland, upvoting and resteeming EVERYTHING (because it works just like Facebook here, right? 😂).
Once I joined the group, I realized that's the true worth of this platform - community. In fact, I think that should be Steemit's unofficial motto - "Come for the SBD, stay for the community."
I suppose my "bossy boots" tactics have their merit :P hey @matkodurko hehehehehe (juuuust winding you up!!!) ;) Truth is - you are ALL just FABULOUS individuals, with INHERENT PASSION and DEDICATION! - I just have the gift of "sniffing" your talent out of the crowd ;P
😂 😂
HAHAHAHHAHA!!!!! the banner should be brown and the boots PINK!!!! ;)
wrrrrrrr.. :D
No dobře se ti to tady zase rozjelo :D Podle počtu komentářů by sis tu delegaci od Dana zasloužil ty, jak se tak dívám :D Btw, můj hlas už dávno máte ;)
Total no, sak som hodinu odpisoval :D ale tak budem mat 100 komentov, to je milestone :D Diks, vyhrali smee :)
Viděl jsem, gratulačka! :) Doufám, že budeš během pár měsíců aspoň kosatka :D
Jinak ten Dan co to pořádal, je dobrý týpek... sleduju ho už delší dobu. Občas mi i něco upvotne, jsou to docela rakety od něho :D