How Long does it Take you to Think of a Brilliant Reply?

in #dpoll5 years ago (edited)

How Long does it Take you to Think of a Brilliant Reply?

If you get messege at your whatsapp, SMS or other
How Long does it Take you to Think of a Brilliant Reply?

  • Straight away, I'm flash!

  • Five minutes later

  • Later that day

  • Weeks later after much pondering and brooding

Answer the question at


Voted for

  • Straight away, I'm flash!

Voted for

  • Straight away, I'm flash!

Voted for

  • Straight away, I'm flash!

Voted for

  • Straight away, I'm flash!

Voted for

  • Later that day

now and again, straight away, five minutes later and weeks later after much pondering and brooding

Voted for

  • Straight away, I'm flash!

Voted for

  • Weeks later after much pondering and brooding

Voted for

  • Later that day

This is depending on the situation and on the context.
Sometimes straight away, sometimes five (or a few) minutes later.
Sometimes later that day.
Sometimes days later.
Rarely weeks later.

Voted for

  • Straight away, I'm flash!

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