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RE: Downvote control tool proposal delivery #2

in #downvotes5 years ago

Downvotes on bid botted posts directly hurt the bots, as they receive less curation rewards. Making their customers understand that this behaviour is not profitable any more ultimately makes them stop buying, and without customers there is no base for bots any more.


And seems like some of the owners are flagging their customers.

And kinda killed any chance at being independent. Like me.

I use smartmarket and they got hit. Tipu as well. Ocdb is sending out warnings.. that's cool but yeah no warnings just slapping flags around.

I'll be honest. If you are with a big group you get more rewards. And this kills the little people or small groups.

Now more personal malicious flags will come out.

Well this place is looking like decentralization is getting centralized in the group owners.

And attacking bidbots hurts the community.

Not profitable? So it's just that we should join groups and pay with delegations to earn votes?

Now why isn't the real abuse being stopped and more work being put into rewarding real content creators....

That's a big one... Why isn't the real abuse being stopped?

I agree with you that owners flagging their customers is crazy, I couldn't believe when I saw that happening recently. Way to get rid of customers yourself, but the honest way would be to just undo the deal.

The honest way to get votes is consistency and networking. Like on any other social media platform. Of course luck plays a role too.
Any kind of buying, be it with liquid steem or with delegation, is a form of abuse and shifts the playing field towards those who can afford that.

There are a lot of people fighting real abuse, and the amount of manual curation has risen too. We're not at a point where everything would be great yet, but we got a bit closer.

Regarding decentalization, in my view we could be a lot further with that if the big userbase understood earlier that paying middle men to boost their short term profits doesn't help, and the good way would be investing in their own SP instead. Every buy from a bot, every rented delegation, filled the pockets of a few who now have disproportionate power without having done anything for that.
It's far from being centralized, as different groups have different goals, but I too would wish for a much better distribution. Doing my part, as everyone else should see what they can do. Complaining about not being able to feed the giants any more is certainly not the way.

Well, from the other side - I noticed that this anti-bot groups have their own bots for downvoting. And this is? What? Normal? Decentralized?
And what about staking tokens? Just for example: I'm staking CCC tokens and get the value (CCC token) for my posts from the CCC tribe, regarding the my stake and some other parameters probably. But what they use for delegating the power (read CCC tokens)? Probably some alghorhitms...(read bots...).. and I'll be again downvoted from some maniac/psycho/ botmaybe?...
It's not that easy, I think this downvoting will give us very strange community and it's not the right direction for Steem ecosystem.

There's nothing to say against automation and bots in general. What's condemned are profit oriented vote sellers. They are called bid bots, and although only the second part of the term is used many times when talking about them for convenience, it's the first one which is the problem.

^This. You should check out my comment thread with ocdb in my most recent post over him and his cronie downvoting bs. This attitude will kill this platform if it isn't put in check right now. Of course, as a content creator, it seems we have no say in these downvote orgies. I lost more than half of what I made from my post but they claim their curation is worth more? Wake the fuck up.

Correction: half of what you hoped to make by buying votes ;) These rewards aren't gone, they're just not assigned to you any more. Others who don't buy votes will get them now, by being curated organically. The times to buy yourself into trending are over, you need to live with that and adapt.

Didn't know it hurt the bit. You leave a comment too why you downvote? I thought it was to fight plagiarism and bad content

Nothing of that is going against the authors. They're just the battlefield when it comes to fighting the business model of selling votes, there is no other way to make the bid bots unprofitable. And they bring this upon themselves by continuously using these "services".

The whitepaper states as the reason for why we need downvotes:

Through the addition of negative voting it is possible for [...]stakeholders to nullify
the voting power of collusive groups or large, defecting stakeholders.

People selling votes as a business which is profitable for both the seller and the buyer are a prime example for defecting stakeholders, as they only benefit two parties instead of the whole platform. Stake should be used to vote, and the profits should come from curation rewards. Asking people to pay for votes is one of the main forms of abuse, and with the free downvotes it's finally possible to do something against it.

I usually don't comment when I downvote, as I expect most people to know why that happens already. I'm always answering to questions when they don't though.