Principles, Morality, Hypocrisy and DoublethinksteemCreated with Sketch.

in #doublethik7 years ago (edited)


You simply can’t pick or choose when you’ll take the high moral ground. You either have principles or you don’t.

I’m sitting at my computer screen, overwhelmed by the amount of hypocritical, convenient virtue signalling that pretends to be political debate and social engagement. It is quite frankly, frightening in its groupthink mindlessness.

There’s the whole Trump thing – on both sides.

His supporters are applauding his apparent subservience to the CIA, while his detractors are still manufacturing some sort of Russian collusion delusion. To be fair to Trump, he’s really struggled against an ongoing permanent program of destabilisation and I’ve cut him some slack and applauded areas of achievement. But his appointments of Pompeo to Secretary of State and Haskell to CIA chief seem indefensible on the available evidence. Yet, his apologists are out there praising the move.

Meanwhile, the very same detractors (now there’s a wimpy word to describe them) who cited his appointment of Tillerson as evidence of Russian collusion are now claiming his sacking of Tillerson proves their position. They shift gears seamlessly and when I dare to question them they dismiss me as a “Crypto fascist,” a Russian bot or something similar. If it were the only game in town it would be comical but unfortunately, it isn’t close.

Take the current world champion money burners, the Australian government for example. Their ability to throw good money after bad is only matched by their total lack of principles. How else can you view the news that they helped the sick twisted paedophile, child torturer and murderer Peter Gerald Scully by granting him legal aid costing $500,000? 500K of Australian taxpayer’s money -that’s more money than most of us will receive in our Superannuation payouts. They justify this golden gift to the monstrous Scully by claiming that they’re duty bound to help because he is an Australian citizen. Is that so? That’s odd because Julian Assange is an Australian citizen, who hasn’t broken any laws, is in urgent need of some high-level government assistance but for some strange reason, the Australian government goes to painstaking lengths to ignore him.

There’s simply no way you can reconcile the two actions as being consistent, let alone moral. If you had 500K to spend helping someone who would you spend it on? A sadistic twisted monster on 75 charges of child rape and torture or a courageous publisher detained in a foreign embassy and deprived of freedom of movement for over seven years? The choice should be a simple one unless you are an Australian government official.

This is the same government by the way that’s managed to give away God knows how much to the Clinton Foundation without doing appropriate due diligence. The very same government that preaches austerity then collectively shakes its head regretfully while it urges ordinary people to tighten their belts another notch.

The government faces change as does its hue occasionally, but the machine grinds out its hypocrisy relentlessly.

Then there are the deluded idiots that say they want a revolution but want someone else to pay for it.

These people are so satisfied and so securely smug about their revolutionary credibility that they make it their business to seek out and destroy the very people that they should be finding common ground with. You either have their pure revolutionary blood or you deserve to be ground into the dust. They are the ultimate hypocrites, claiming to be anti-war, pro the 99% and anti-establishment but wanting nothing to do with the working class and are perfectly OK with the CIA gas lighting everyone. They can type slogans and write dry arguments that impress their friends, but they don’t want a revolution - they want a social group that feels edgy.

They shit me to tears.

We now live in a world where people can literally write one thing, think something else and believe both things at once. Doublethink is real.

We are losing our humanity rapidly and there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot that we can do.

We could start by finding our moral compass, without it we have no hope whatsoever.

My name is Mark Hodgetts. I’m a freelance writer, eking out a crust writing content for businesses. I’d much prefer to write more articles like this. You can support me to achieve that goal by following me on Twitter, or here on Steemit or alternatively funding my independence by becoming a patron here

I appreciate your support


Terrific article. Wholeheartedly agree...