Mechanics Dota 2: Understanding and Disabling Various Part 1

in #dota27 years ago (edited)

In Dota 2 many things to note such as the use of spell. Some spells have disable effects to enemies, then what is disable? see understanding and kind of disable in Dota 2 below.


Stun is one of the most used disabling and is the best disable in Dota 2. When hit by stun enemy can not move, attack, use items, use spell and disturb the channeling enemies like when using Town Portal Scroll.

Mini-stun is another version of stun, mini-stun only makes enemies dis-active under 1 second (reads zero comma for seconds). Mini-stun also stops channeling enemies, when enemies hit stun will appear an animation above the head of the enemies affected by stun.
Examples of stun are: Wraithfire Blast, and Slithereen Crush. While the example of the mini-stun Battery Assault and Lightning Bolt.


The way Shackle works is similar to a stun that actually stops the enemy's movement that makes it impossible to use spells, items and can not attack. The difference is when using a shackle hero that has this spell will channel to the enemy or give a negative effect (debuff) to the user.

Examples of spells that have a shackle effect are Black Hole, Dismember, Fiend's Grip, Shackles, Flaming Lasso (gives disarm effects to users) and Electric Vortex (gives slow effect to users).


Next there is sleep, the way sleep is like stun. Enemies affected by sleep effects can not move, use items, attack and use spells. The difference is when the enemy affected by the enemy's sleep effect will be invulnerable (can not receive damage / attack). But some spell sleep does not have an invulnerable effect but when it is attacked its sleep effect will be lost.

Examples of spells that give sleep effect are Nightmare (give 1 sec invulnerable effect), Echo Stomp (no effect invulnerable, but enemies affected by this spell will not wake when attacked in the first 0.8 seconds) and Song of the Song of the Siren (gives full invulnerable effect during the spell)


Cyclone also has the same way of working as stun, but when exposed to cyclone effect the enemy will be lifted upward by a whirlwind that appears. Most cyclone effects will have a dispersive effect as well as a disorder, except for the cyclone effect given by Cyclone. Enemies affected by the cyclone effect can not be attacked as long as the effect lasts.

Examples of spells that give effect to cyclone are Tornado, Cyclone (Storm) Cyclone and Eul's Scepter of Scepter of Divinity.


Slow is also included as one of the disable effects that exist in Dota 2, slow effects are divided into two namely the movement speed slow and slow attack speed.

Movement slow speed means the enemy affected by this effect will be slow in running. Many heroes have spells that give effect to the slow movement of the enemy. When the hero gets a haste effect then he will become immune to the slow spell movement.
Examples of spells that give the effect of slow movement speed is Thunder Clap, Gush and Poison Sting.
Attack speed slow will slow the speed of enemy attack, examples of spell that give this effect is Untouchable, Fire Spirits, and Liquid Fire.

Image Source: Dota2.