Mike Lindell Can't Get Enough Ls, Makes "Fail Mary" At 2024 DNC

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Thank you, Pazuzu

The past several weeks were NOT kind to right-wing pundits such as Amber Rose, Andrew Tate, and Kyle Rittenhouse. Amber Rose is in social purgatory with rejection from the Left and refusal from the Right, which shows how f–king clueless she is about MAGA. Rittenhouse received a lesson from the “School of Hard Knocks” about what happens when he bites the “hand that fed him,” and Andrew Tate (who’s in the middle of a major trial) is under house arrest after a recent police raid on his home. Those three took major Ls. “My Pillow Guy” Mike Lindell has taken Ls over the past couple of years and has YET to learn his lesson or the consequences of continuing to hug Trump’s (figurative) ballsack.

When you take Oliver Twist and turn him into a sadomasochist (the receiving and self-inflicting part of it) who’s in line at some BDSM place, you get Mike Lindell! If you’re picturing Mike Lindell wearing NOTHING but BDSM gear, you’re VERY welcome for the graphic image that lives rent-free in your head.


Mike Lindell’s latest L was in Chicago at the 2024 Democratic National Convention (DNC).

He made a “Fail Mary” play by shaving his mustache and dressing “incognito’ on a mission to “infiltrate” the DNC and convert attendees to “Trumpism.” It was NOT the brightest of ideas because more people are aware that GOP Presidential nominee and former POTUS Donald J. Trump (R-New York) is a huckster.

Lindell is NOT helping himself by continuing his zealotry for Trump who was convicted of 34 felonies.

The plan was a “Fail Mary” from the start.

Reason #1 - Lindell posted a video with his plans to “infiltrate” the DNC, which he shouldn’t have done so in the first place. His life is in public SCRUTINY starting with his zealous support for Trump. Rhetorically asking, does Lindell NOT think anybody’s paying attention to his social media?

Reason #2 - Even if Lindell didn’t post his plans on social media or YouTube, he would’ve been outed in public anyway. Virtually everybody at the DNC carries smartphones and would’ve recorded every Lindell-related confrontation. He would’ve OUTED himself inevitably.

Reason #3 - Lindell’s dumb to believe that he could convert anybody at the DNC to change their mind and embrace Trumpism.

Reason #4 - Of all the people he could “debate” with, Lindell picked a 12-year-old boy. This was a “Fail Mary” within a “Fail Mary” because the boy went toe-to-toe with Lindell and WON. Lindell acted like a screaming toddler while the boy came off as the mature one.

I am AMAZED at the boy’s coolness and restraint.

This is the latest in the growing pile of Ls Mike Lindell is taking. Mike Lindell has said that he has NO more money but keeps f–king himself over in his zealotry to Trump without realizing that he’s no longer of value to him.

It’s as if Lindell’s taking all of those Ls, turning them into one big L, wrapping the long end of the L with barbed wire, and pegging himself repeatedly with the long end of the L while screaming for more (Ben Solo style).

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The longevity of Lindell’s value depends on how much money he can expend, which is ZERO!

Lindell has to PAY $5M to Robert Zeidman who debunked the former’s claim that the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was rigged in the favor of Joe Biden (D-Delaware). The judge ruled Lindell was obligated to keep his end of the deal when he would give $5M to anyone who would debunk his claim.

Last fall, Lindell spoke with Bannon and said that the banks canceled his line of credit.

After not responding to the court, Lindell was interviewed by Steve Bannon in February and said he would appeal the decision. On a side note, Bannon is serving a four-month prison sentence for defying the U.S. House subpoena regarding the Capitol Riot that happened on January 6, 2021.

While getting food at Hardee’s, Lindell got a surprise visit from the FBI who seized his phone.

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That’s a major L and everyone else can record him on camera.

Whoever’s in charge of Hardee’s Twitter account paid attention to Wendy’s Twitter account and took notes. It was a great way for Hardee’s to benefit from Lindell’s public humiliation.

He’s also one of the defendants in a lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems which received a hefty settlement (almost $800M) in a lawsuit it filed against Fox News. Andrew Parker, who served as the legal defense, filed for permission to withdraw from the case and Lindell’s defense.

The (figurative) raw-docking with former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who’s growing his pile of Ls, is more Ls for Lindell. Despite his claims of being broke, Lindell financed Giuliani’s first-class travel to the Republican National Convention (RNC) in Milwaukee, WI. Lindell is also connected to Giuliani’s bankruptcy case, another major L.

Keep taking those Ls like a “champ,” Mike!