
Haha great video Jeff. Paul Krugman and the New York Times deserve each other. His columns suck. He’s been faxing it in for years...

Paul Krugman is a bankster loving tapeworm who can't write or think of anything original because he is too busy sucking anything meaningful out of the system because he is a tapeworm.

So is Jeff suggesting gold has the ability to catch back up to Bitcoin and overtake it?

Bitcoin hasn't yet overtaken gold, I will be writing a full post on this one. Bitcoins current market cap is $156 Billion, Golds market cap is $390 trillion. Bitcoin needs to get to $390,000 per coin to and beyond to over take gold in market cap. price per unit means next to nothing. Bitcoin needs to catch up to gold and over take it.

I like your work because you used to combine information...
I am interested in one more thing:
Is it possible that we activate/waken enough people in this world that cryptocurrencies can step in when (the economy and) the money system is collapsing?
What do you think, crypto-fans?

Thanks again for all this information, it is a delight to listen to and empowering for us all.

Namaste :)

Now, let's see gold catch up with $10,000 bitcoin :)

Great post and video there. The unsteadiness of the bitcoin can not Just be overemphasized. Everyday, we keep seeing more downslide in its value but as risk takers, we'll Jus sit down and watch as events unfold.

The more I stay away from the mainstream media the better I fell about my life.

We have to stay informed, it's just that today we need to have the power and the willing to dissect information.

It's a bit more time consuming, sure, but is a lot better than fucking nodding your head in agreement towards every shit that comes your way.

Information on the new and dynamic crypto currency markets (bitcoin, ethereum, altcoin will, ripples, etc.). articles related to the development and application of blockchain technology. Personally when I'm at BTC rich, I expect lots, solutions, and opportunities for my ETF creation, and I believe that the market is still far from saturated. My personal opinion, I repeat. The announcement published on the company website expressed gratitude for the patience and support of the community.

Informative and impressive @dollarvigilante. thank you for sharing with us.

Very informative your video