Why Chickens Cock and Dogs Howling

in #dogs7 years ago (edited)

I came home about 2 o'clock 4 am stelah fishing when the dog kept menggong I was very angry because I can not sleep because the dog is almost in the release of his voice and so is the chicken that is not less he also berkoko may be morning there is also the hour 1 rooster crowed is not obviously the beast, then i asked the same ustazd dikampung me he said:

Just listen to about what time the chicken usually crows. And it turns out the chicken does not have a clear crowing schedule. Especially at night. Very few (even almost none) scientific references I found were related to chickens. Some can not explain why the rooster crows, at certain times, ie at night, until dawn.

If the wolf howling in order to signal another wolf, then what is the purpose of the dog? Though he lived in residential areas for example. Is to remind the neighboring dogs of the time tahajud prayer?

Then meet me with the two hadiths below.

"When you hear a rooster crowing (at night), ask for grace to God, actually he sees an Angel. But when you hear the donkey neigh (at night), seek protection from God from the distractions of Satan, in fact he sees Satan. "

(Narrated by Bukhari with Fathul Baari 6/350, Muslim 4/2092 no. 2729. The addition contained in brackets is narrated by al-Bukhari in Adabul Mufrad no 1236, see the genealogy of Adabul Mufrad no. 938 and The Ahaadist ash-Shahiihah lineage no. 3183. From Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu 'anhu.)

"If you hear howls of dogs and braying donkeys at night then take refuge in God from him because he sees what you can not see."

(Abu Dawud No. 5103, Ahmad 3/306, 355-356 Shahih al-Adabul Mufrad no. 937 and Ibn Sunni No. 311 in 'Amalul Yaum wal Lailah From Jabir ibn Abdillah Radhiyallahu' Anhu.

Quoted from the book "Prayer and wirid treat witchcraft and magic according to al-quran and as-sunnah" by Ustadz Yazid, published by Pustaka Imam Asy-Syafi'i.

Hmm .. really? I do not really care about the contents of the hadith, until the day I experience it.

When I was in high school XII, our OSIS was conducting LDKS activities, Basic Student Leadership Exercises, for our successor OSIS candidates. Until entering the event session JJM or Night Walk. Me and my 3 friends are in charge of keeping up in post 3, reflective post. Adapted to its name, the place was sought which is really conducive to reflection. And found a place in a dark field and away from the house of the people, nearby there is a buffalo tied up.

Subhanallah, we say many times. The music we set previously was thought to invite the "invisible beings", so the dogs howled. And, with the recitation of the verses of the Qur'an, has invited the angels to come, join in praying for His servants who always praise Him. This is the first time that we, especially I have experienced a truly proven event of hadith.

"Inna fii kholqissamaa wa tiwal ardhi wahtilaa fillaili wannahaari la aayati li ulil albab." (Surah Ali Imran, 3: 190)

Verily in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the turn of the night and the day there are signs (greatness of God) for the intelligent.

Follow me as @will12: "Time is Steem."


thank you for posting
hope you become a famous writer ...

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