Summer is Here! Happy Solstice, Frens: Get Your Flappers Ready for Selfie Season 😎
🌞 Henlo again, frens! Did you do a know that today is the summer solstice? Well, now you do! Steemit's Very Best Boy is here to look out for you.
When you are making a good pose in the summer flowers, do a remember that your flipper flapsts are a key part of your selfie game. If you are doing a work on becoming a Very Good or Very Handsome Boy, it is very important to do a consider that your ears can make a dramatical impact on your composition. Don't do a worry... I will do a breakdown of how a Very Good Boy makes a summer splash. Let's do a good look!
1️⃣ When your flippers are doing a flap forwards, look at how open and friendly your appearance does. Do a big smile straight into the camera and you will do a melt of every heart.
Do a trust me on this one, frens. Hoomans simply cannot do a resist of velvety flippers framing your face. You may never do a possess of a set of Very Handsome Flappers like I do, but with my expert tippers for your flippers you will be the Very Best you can be.
2️⃣ Dramatic angles are worth a try, frens. Heck, if you stretch out those flipper flapsts and do a long, thoughtful gaze, people won't be able to do a look away from YOU!
Do a long neck stretch! Do a find of your angles! Let the hoomans do a heckin' big admire, because you are doing the Very Most Handsome, and you do a know of it. Confidence is key to being a Very Good Boy.
3️⃣ Make sure you do a good flap back of the flips, your Very Handsome Face will do a shine through, just like the summer sun.
I will do an honest, being as extra handsome as I am is a heckin' big help. But don't ever do a hide of your face, frens. You are a wonderful and beautiful doggo (well, for a hooman, but we all do a have of our challenges) and are the Very Best Boy or Girl of someone's heart. It will do a giant glow from your face and do a bring of joy to all of the the people you do a smile at... so do a lot of smiles.
I hope you are not doing a lax on your sproing and boing training, frens. 🏝️It is now officially summer, and the squirrel menace is doing an up and about, so we must do a heckin' redouble of the vigilance. With my Very Best Boy tips, you can look so good while you do a big defend.

I'm doing a help on Steemit taking care of doggos, cattos, and animal frens with mega upboops, and a sniffer snipst to find SBDs to send to help @TARC rescue!
Cute dog!
Funny dog
Team Good Alpaca loves this post! Nomnomnom!

I do need some work on my potty training. ....LOL!! Murphy Dog you are too cute and your hooman takes beautiful shot of your flappers!!
Why, YES, @murphydog – you did do a heart melt. Very expertly so with those ice-blue eyes. <3
^^ What Zippy said. ;) Cute doggo!
Very nice capture, love the colortoning :)
Holy cow that is a pretty cute doggo. My puppers has some competition! Love the shots -those eyes !!
This dog is a bundle of smiles.
That is a sweet happy dog, love the captures :)
Ninja says: "Nice to meet You!"
Haaay MurphyDog, i just sniffed you out! You look pretty cool and are always smilin...
fren, do not do a worry, my eye is doing a study on the ratatoskr. this fiend will not do an evade from da Vigilance... not ever.