Luna loves a little taste of whatever your eating.
Nichola is busy eating some Strawberries & Yogurt, Luna can smell something nice. She loves to have a little taste of what we are eating. She will stand like this watching Nichola eat every spoonful waiting to lick Nichola's finger.

She keeps us entertained & is good company. She hates my front room being tidy, the floor is always covered with toys.
Thank you son-of-satire
Luna is so cute
She'll grow up soon enough! Enjoy her antics as a puppy. They are worth their weight in gold!
She's great fun but hard work
She'll grow up soon enough! Enjoy her antics as a puppy. They are worth their weight in gold!
S sweet! Luna is simply fab in the second pic and she seems to say "This food is really good!" ^_^
She is so cute and knows it lol
They are part of the family and they deserve a taste of
I totally agree :)
I swear they have radar when there's food involved. My Tinker will wake from a sound sleep when she hears the fridge door open. Lol!
They like everything we are having but turn there nose up at there own food
A tidy house is a house, a messy house is a home.
See the training of the new " Master" is going well, but Luna will have to take up her place in the hierarchy behind Geordie, but in front of those two-legged animals that feed her, of course.
I think little Luna thinks shes in charge. She will soon get put in her place :)
Mika and Geordie will see to that, no newboy will replace them.
Not a chance, there still my babies :)
Just like kids everywhere :-)
Dogs in my case :)
Yep they always seem to know when someone else has something nice haha :-)
They know what they like :)
Luna is having the time of her life coming to live with your family. 🐓🐓
She's settled in very quickly :)