Piner's Pets - Feeding Abandoned Pets From Hurricane Harvey

Let me tell you about Scott Piner, a kind hearted Alabama boy who lives in Texas. Actually he's 61 years old. Scott was watching the news and saw all the abandoned pets being rescued and taken to county shelters. The problem was there were so many pets the shelters didn't have the room or means to supply food and care. The only solution was to begin euthanizing the pets. After listening to live rescues on the app Zello, Scott didn't hesitate and decided he's going to help. Volunteers set up shelters to care for the pets and this is where Scott gained the nickname Piner's Pets.
The following day he was able to purchase pet food at Walmart in Roanoke, TX at a discount. After using his own funds he decided to send out a message to co-workers and if they wanted to help he would utilize 100% of their donations to feed and help care for the pets. Over a two-day period, $2900 was raised. Scott loaded up his truck with pet food and drove 6 hours to a meeting point in south Texas. After arriving close to the disaster area, a police officer pulled him over to find out why he was in the area. After seeing the pet food, the officer said, "Follow me", and gave him an escort to the drop off area. The animals had been without food for 6 days and the volunteers were extremely happy to see him. He even got to see a couple of owners reunite with their pets. He said the pets were so happy so see their owners.
Scott's next trip down south is on Monday, September 11, 2017. This time he borrowed a co-worker's trailer. Notice the homemade sign from tape on the back, "Pet Rescue Food." Today (10 Sep) they loaded 6000 lbs. of food in the trailer and 1000 lbs in the truck. Included are some pictures from his first trip and preparation for the trip on Monday.
As I type hurricane Irma is soaking Florida. Let's hope they don't experience the level of water that south Texas experienced. If they do, Scott will have some more driving to do to assist with "Piner's Pets."
Preparing for Monday's trip