👉 Free Crypto For Small Tasks On Steemit

in #dogecoin7 years ago (edited)

Here is how it works ....

I will pay you in cryptocurrecy for every task you complete that is listed in this topic. Small rewards for small task type of deal.

This week I will be paying out in Dogecoin again. Proof of payments can be seen in last weeks thread that can be found by clicking here.

Some past participants.

  1. @solcross
  2. @thaishps
  3. @electronicsworld
  4. @piccola.valeria
  5. @donna-metcalfe
  6. @danishmobeen
  7. @rafaybutt
  8. @midesignature
  9. @joel0101
  10. @ranatalha
  11. @rafaybutt

Task 1

Visit the below link upvote and leave a relevant comment.

Reward - Task 1 has Ended

Task 2

Resteem and upvote 2 of my articles / posts

Reward - 3 dogecoin

Task 3

Mention and link one of my posts / giveaways in one of your articles / posts

Reward : 3 dogecoin

Task 4

Complete Task 1 / Task 2 and Task 3

Reward : Task 4 has Ended


  • Post your doge address after you completed the task(s)
  • Write in the comment section what task(s) you have completed
  • One transaction per entry ( This is to cut back on transfer fees )
  • Resteems and up-votes before this post creation don't count
  • New and Past entries are always welcome to take part

Reminder : Multiple Giveaways : Click Here To Learn More 🌠


2018 - 05 - 08 --- Promotion has ended !

This is one of my favorite contests you run. Happy Monday @rentmoney

Thanks, Happy Monday to you as well !

Task2...Show Me Yours & I'll Show You Mine 😉 Crypto Edition !/Multiple Giveaways : Reminder
Task3...I wrote a little post with all your giveaways....https://staging.busy.org/@piccola.valeria/rentmoney-rentmoney

Please post your Dogecoin address so I can pay you :)

My address…..DCCQQjxZHwcaW84kRVdHjN11dgTzLkwFar

10 Dogecoin sent for completion of all tasks + 4 Bonus Dogecoin sent for your constant support in my topics.

Total 14 Doge Sent ..

OMG!!!....thanks!!! :D

Your welcome !

Task1- completed
Task2-i resteemed and upvoted Crazy Comment Contest & Promote Me Contest.
Task3- i Created a post the pertains to your contests

Hy @rentmoney 👦
Your post📝👉 Free Crypto For Small Tasks On Steemit🔚was resteemed by @valentin86

image (1).png
Get🔛Your Free✅Resteem👓-🔚be more popular and visible to more people!

Best wishes☺

Great .. thanks !


You got a 13.09% upvote from @minnowvotes courtesy of @rentmoney!

Hi! I am happy to see your post. I have completed Tasks 1&2. Here is my Dogecoin wallet:



I only see task 1 completed. I will wait to see if you want to finish task 2 before sending.

  • Task 2 Rules

Task 2
Resteem and upvote 2 of my articles / posts

Reward - 3 dogecoin

Thanks for your interest in this promotion.

Task 1 done
Task 2 done - Crazy moments and Show Me Yours & I'll Show You Mine Crypto Edition !
My Doge adres - 9xKHr7eza92ymF5TU5Z2K6RgfuPXGMLTGH

Perfect ..thanks for your interest in this giveaway. 6 Dogecoin sent for completing task one and two + 4 bonus Dogecoin.

I run it weekly so be sure to check back for more free Dogecoin.

Sent ....


Thank you so much

Your Welcome !

Task 1 and Task 2

DOGE Wallet address:

6 Dogcoin sent for completing task one and two + 4 bonus dogecoin for no reason what so ever.

Thanks for your interest in this contest ...
