Runa became a biker-dog!

in #dog7 years ago (edited)

Hi everybody!

it has been a while since we last posted here..did you guys miss us :P ?

Today me and Runa have decided to get on our bike and we headed to one of the longest beach here in Sardinia, the Poetto!

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After a first worried moment for Runa, she then started to enjoy staying in her basket!


As soon as we hit the ground, Runa detective's instinct took place, and after a meticulous analysis she declared the beach safe!


The Poetto is the main beach of Cagliari, it lays in the south-east of the island. Believe it or not, this beauty is 8 kilometers ( 5 miles ) long!


In summer it is characterized by white soft sand and crystal clear water.. unfortunately we have chosen to visit it right after a powerful coastal storm..but it kept her charm though.


The Poetto offers the possibility to join a various number of activities.
During the day, it is of course popular among the sunbathing addicted, but they are not the only having fun here..

It is mostly considered to be a huge open-air gym. In its promenade you can easily see lots of people rollerskating, biking, running, or training in general..while in the water you see windsurfers, people using the sup,or kids learning how to operate on small sail boats.

Quite motivating, isn't it?


.. or maybe just playing stupid on the water edge :P


But it is during the night that the Poetto gives the best of itself.. it is widely considered to be the center of the night- life of the city.

All the 8 km crawls with bars, discos and music..for all taste! Based on which music you like, you will party in one part of the Poetto or in another.

As matter of fact, this is how Runa became a party animal :P !

One of the most typical symbol of this place, is a particular promontory ..which has the shape of a saddle! Indeed it is known with the name of "the devil's saddle".


The legend around it basically says that, the shape was given by the saddle of Lucifer that fell off his fired-horse while he was fighting against God to win the island. Of course God won.


So guys, hope you enjoyed the small window onto the Poetto opened for you, now you just need to come over and see it with your own eyes!

-Vale and Runa


If your dog’s acting funny, get out the umbrella! According to a Press poll, 72% of dog owners believe their dog can detect when stormy weather is on the way.