busy Useful Home Remedies For Dog Problems

in #dog7 years ago

Some of the home remedies for dogs include vaccination, Aloe Vera for pet first aid, castor oil, lime juice, and many similar, easily available essentials in different forms.
Dog Problems
Dogs might suffer from bad cuts, urination problems, and abdominal disorders like constipation or even headaches. In such situations, you have to act fast. You need to know the home remedies that you might follow to relieve your precious pooch of its problem. Some of the remedies might include vaccination, which you must verify and speak to a doctor about before following.

Dogs are the first love for dog-lovers, so it is their duty to understand the various home remedies that their pets might need at various times. The problem with dogs is that they eat almost every object that looks like a bone or a toy of some kind. At times, dogs might also get into fights with other dogs, subsequently needing urgent vaccinations. Some dogs are even hypoallergenic, says Mayoclinic. Pet therapy programs are often helpful for dogs, according to the Clevelandclinic. Now, let’s explore the facts about various home remedies that are such an important part of pet care.

Home Remedies For Dog Problems
Home remedies for dog problems include:

Dogs tend to behave abnormally when they are suffering from constipation. They might run in and out of the house more often than usual or they may bark unintentionally. Once you are sure that dog is suffering from constipation, you have to work on their diet plan. Adding mineral oil to their diet is an excellent option. You can also mix some bran into their diet, which will definitely lessen constipation. Your dog will recover quickly if they are given a consistently helpful diet.
Ear Infection
Ear infections are a very tricky problem that your pet might face. They tend to lie on the ground and make abnormal gestures, possibly trying to rub their head against unusual surfaces. The best cure for an ear infection includes chemicals like acetic acid (vinegar). Apply vinegar gently on the outer cartilage of the ears. There are also antiseptics that are available on the market to help avoid or cure ear infections.Urination
Apart from these normal disorders, there are other problems that one should never overlook, such as bladder stones. Thus, if you know that your pet is suffering from bladder stones, you should immediately take appropriate action. The most common symptom of this disorder is that there is blood in the urine or difficulty while urinating. If you discover that your pet is suffering from urination problems, you must visit a veterinarian. There are certain tests required to confirm various disorders, including urinalysis and urine culture, which cannot be done at your home. These tests will help understand the extent to which your pet is suffering.

Usually, vomiting is accompanied by diarrhea disorders, so a similar remedy can be used for vomiting. Try not to give anything spicy as it can enhance the itchiness and the likelihood of throwing up the contents of its stomach.

Fleas are really annoying for humans, and even more so for dogs! The irritation caused by these insects can irritate your pets to an unbearable extent. There are certain drugs available on the market like prednisone and corticosteroid that are widely used to eradicate these annoying pests. There is no specific home remedy other than keeping your house clean and thereby free from fleas.

Diarrhea Problems
The home remedy for diarrhea problems is to feed your pet with an excessive amount of fiber. Fiber has an excellent property of absorbing water from the body, thereby proving to be a good cure in such a situation.

“Ringworm” is a kind of skin infection that is caused by special fungi collecting on the skin or scalp. Fungi ringworm would appear as a round red-colored lesion around the corners. The most irritating thing is that it causes extreme itchiness, thereby making your pets extremely uncomfortable. The treatment for this problem would be to get your pet disinfected. There are also oral medications available on the market like Griseofulvin and Itraconazole that can help prevent and cure this fungal infection.
These are just some of the remedies that you can follow in case your pet is suffering from the above disorders. As a precaution, you must use a diet chart for your pets so that they do not suffer from all these problems at once. You should keep your surroundings clean since that will help reduce the number of attacks from fungi, fleas, and other insects. You should also visit your vet once a month to get a complete, routine check-up.Dogs.jpg