“He just wanted to get out of there.”

in #dog6 years ago

The shelters cannot keep every dog that shows up - it's physically not possible. I can't imagine living in a little box where you are hearing other animals and can smell the fear of death. How can an animal be happy and wiggly when they are so stressed? I HATE that they are euthanized and I HATE that healthy dogs (regardless of age) are being put down. People who pay $$$$ for dogs from breeders - YOU could have saved some of these dogs by adopting.

Check out The Humane Society of Fremont County... If a small-town shelter can become no-kill, with very little funding, then a well-funded city shelter should have no problems. The issue is that everyone says "it can't be done" so nobody tries...it's a self-fulfilling prophecy and it needs to stop.

Check out The Humane Society of Fremont County... If a small-town shelter can become no-kill, with very little funding, then a well-funded city shelter should have no problems. The issue is that everyone says "it can't be done" so nobody tries...it's a self-fulfilling prophecy and it needs to stop.

Has he found a forever home yet???!!! My heart is breaking for this older dog. I'm a disabled widow so I understand his loneliness. I do hope someone is loving him, as he should be! We don't deserve to be put out into the world alone! Or put away like we are nothing!

Happy to hear that he is in foster care!
Being a animal owner is one that takes care of them no matter what... how does one simply just let go of a furry love bug bc they are old?!! Breaks my heart! Having a pet is a through thick and thin kinda deal. If your not willing to love them for a lifetime maybe rethink your decision...
thank you legacy boxer rescue!!

“This past Monday, he was going to be euthanized” what are you thinking ???!! Who do think you are? You’re not God. Please STOP Euthanize Animals!!!

What are they supposed to do? There’s no money and space to keep all the dogs that people drop off, strays, etc. Unfortunately, they have to do something to make room. That’s why spay/neutering and adoption are so important. There’s too many unwanted dogs and not enough space and money to take care of them forever. It’s horrible.

Well, there are no-kill shelters that figure it out...though true enough on spaying and neutering! And those that breed their animals (just to make a buck off of them) are a huge part of the problem

no kill shelters have limited space and must turn away unwanted pets due to room and money. Most county shelters will not turn away a stray being it is the law they take them. No space and money means euthanasia


The Border Collie, Poodle and Golden Retriever are considered the world's smartest dog breeds.

yea you are right

These articles can be read by people like me. Those who find crypto out of their scope. This is like fresh air