My strange dog # 17 or Yosha scared me almost to death today !!!
Hello friends!
Today a very strange and frightening event happened in my life. I can say for sure that I was very frightened and did not know what to do.
My beloved boy, my wonderful Yosha, had an attack of epilepsy ....
My daughter and I were away from home for 20 minutes and when we returned we saw that Yosha lay on the floor and was beating in cramps. His eyes were wide open, and there was a bloody foam from his mouth (he must have hurt his tongue). I had several dogs in my life, but none of them had such attacks.
I stroked Yosha and tried to calm him down, but it seems to me that he did not hear me ...
After 5 minutes, the attack went away and Yosha got to his feet. He behaved as if nothing had happened.
How he frightened me!!!!!
I thought that Yosha was dying and imagined that I could not live without him ...
We immediately took him to a veterinary clinic and the doctor told us that this happens with dogs sometimes...
But it seems to me that the reason is in the new toy, about which my daughter wrote here:
Maybe this toy is made of toxic materials, I think so at least.
I'll have to throw this pig into a garbage can.....

Какой ужас...А раньше такого не было? Надо же...Бедная собачка. Надо к врачу наверно сводить, может это как-то лечится?
Да уж, наш питомец напугал нас очень сильно. Хорошо, что все закончилось благополучно. Конечно животное не может пожаловаться и рассказать нам о своих переживаниях и боли, поэтому надо просто любить их и беречь.
First time I read about something similar, I really would not know what to do, but better avoid any incident and discard the toy, just in case.
Yeah, I think so too!
Jez! I have to admit that I’d be more frightened!
I’ve never heard about something like that happening to dogs
I found a lot of information on the Internet and a few videos on the YouTube channel. It turns out that this is not a rare phenomenon at any animal, mainly it is suppression of brain activity ...
It could be related to dental problems or stress. Did he engage in any form of heavy work or play lately?
Yosha had a new toy yesterday afternoon. He played with this toy almost all evening yesterday and all morning today ...
Wow he must have stressed himself in some way, but I’m glad he’s okay now! :)
Thank you! :)
My pleasure! :)
I believe that was very unpleasent moment which noone wants to witness. I really hope the dog is okay by now and this never repeats.
He is OK now. Thank you!
I'm glad it's over. In moments like this we actually see how much animals can mean to us.
So sorry to hear that you had to live through that! I would have totally had a heartattack if this had happened to my dog!
It was terrible! But the worst thing was that I did not know how to help him!
Tiger Woods stuttered as a child and used to talk to his dog until he fell asleep in an effort to get rid of it.
I am very sorry you had to go through this with your dog. The bloody foam would have scared me to death. The worse part is the dog not being able to speak to say what is wrong or how to help him.
This dog might surely be strange vut to ke it is cute and innocent aswell. Looks so beautiful and a good and behaving pet animal.
wow friend how sad I imagine how exasperating this moment was for you. But, with luck, your dog is fine. I hope it does not happen again. Friend, I invite you to meet my puppy in my last post