Subhan Allah! This is the lesson and virtue of charity

in #do7 years ago


Alms is a gift from someone to others in order to gain reward in the sight of Allah SWT. Alms can be anything that is beneficial to others. such as alms money, food, goods, and even energy. if we are sincere intention because Allah SWT will get the reward of Allah SWT.

Alms is also one of the pious deeds commanded by Allah SWT. where the one who gives sadaqah will get an infinite reward from Allah SWT. And there are so many virtues that Allah gives to those who are willing to give charity. Among them are;

Here are some virtues of charity

  1. God will surely replace our alms

As the Word of Allah in the Qur'an surah saba 'verse 39:

It means: "Whatever treasure you are infalling then Allah will surely replace him, and He is the best giver of rizki." (Surah Saba ': 39).

  1. Will wipe away all sins

as Hadith Rasulullah SAW:

Meaning: "Alms can wipe away sins as water extinguishes fire." (Narrated by Tirmidhi).

  1. Will gain blessings on the treasure

The more we give alms, the more our treasure will increase. because alms can give blessing to our treasure.

as the Prophet's Sayings:

Meaning: "The treasure will not be reduced by alms. And a forgiving servant of God will add authority to him. "(Narrated by Muslim).

  1. Will get multiple replies

as the word of Allah in the Al-Qur'an sura Al-Hadid verse 18:

It means: "Those who give charity, both men and women, and lend to Allah a good loan, will be doubled (rewarded) to them, and for them a great reward.(Surah Al-Hadid: 18).

  1. There will be a special door to enter Paradise

As mentioned in the Hadith the Prophet (s)

meaning: "The one who gives (donates) two treasures in the way of Allah, then he will be summoned by one of the doors of heaven: O servant of God, come to pleasure" (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim).

  1. Will escape the fire of hell

As Rabda Rasulullah SAW:

means: "Avoid the fires of hell, though only by charity of a date palm. If you do not have, then it can be with thayyibah kalimah. "(Narrated by Al Bukhari and Muslim).

those are some virtues for those who give charity, hopefully by looking at these virtues will make us motivated to give alms. But the alms must always be intended only for Allah SWT. not expecting the splendor of others, but we only expect Rida from Allah SWT. Amiin Ya Rabbal 'Alamiin .................. .