Twitch Livestream Every Saturday - 1PM PST / 4PM EST - Homebrew D&D Campaign

in #dnd6 years ago (edited)

Hello Viewers & Readers!

Long time no see. I have been busy with school studies. If you are interested in seeing some new content I have developed with my friends, check out our new Twitch D&D stream every Saturday at 4PM EST / 1PM PST.

The stream address is:

We are recording the stream and uploading it to YouTube as well. Here is our first episode:

MANIFESTO: How can Christians play D&D?

This is my manifesto explaining how Christians can play D&D. Most of you probably wonder why I would even address this, but believe it or not many Christians out there think D&D involves summoning demons and witchcraft.

The sad reality is, most Christians put more faith in the devil and his power, than they do the power of God through Jesus. As they think, "The devil can screw up your life if you get involved in D&D," all the while they neglect what Jesus Christ accomplished for all Christians which was destroying all the works of the enemy (1 John 3:8) To sum it up, many don't believe the Bible other than as a way to create an outward social standard to follow (aka morality.)

While the Bible contains morality, this is not the point of why Jesus came to Earth. He came to redeem man, which at the core of what this achieves in a person is to transition them away from all moral standards toward the principle of love. A moral standard is based upon fear... fear of non-acceptance by other Christians, fear of what God thinks of you, fear of the devil, ect.

Jesus gave us something far better than morality based upon forced compliance with standards he set. He gave us a new heart, which if renewed to the truth, can be grounded in love and truth against which there is no law or sin (Galatians 5:22-23).

In other words, once you become a Christian, it is far less about "what" you are doing, and far more about "why" you are doing it. What is the motive? According to Paul's definition of love in 1 Corinthians 13, it all hinges upon whether a person has love or not, as to whether their activity is at all moral. Outward morality, not rooted in love is worthless according to the Bible. Yet doing that activity that everyone may despise you for and doing it because you have love, profits greatly.

We see this in the life of Jesus who drank with tax collectors and sinners. This elicited the disdain of the religious classes of his day, but Jesus drank with sinners without sinning. How many Christians have you met talk at church on Sunday about how they went bar hopping, having a great time sharing God's love with the lost? I've never met one. There is something wrong with a version of Christianity that cannot engage in the same activity as Jesus, when the whole point of Christianity is that we were supposed to be like our master, Jesus Christ.

But rather than booze, I decided D&D was more suitable for my tastes. Why? It's fun!!! As Christians we get to practice acting and roleplaying. One of our players is a professional Christian actor. We also get to fellowship and have fun with one another. We also get to share God's love with our viewers when our audience grows. Down the road, we may do Q&A sessions about God and Jesus. It's great. So if you like fantasy stories and roleplay, check us out streaming on Saturdays.


Wowowowow. This actually made me tear up a little bit. This makes me even more excited to be a part of this. Your heart is so incredible. This is awesome.

So great to see that after a long time thanks for sharing :)

Good to see you still on Steemit, @blazing

that's great to share...

that's great to it