Why is DNA important to you as a human being?

in #dna7 years ago

Deoxyribonucleic Acid

DNA is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic command for the control and function of organisms. All organisms contain DNA genome. A possible exception is some virus groups that have RNA genome, but the virus is not usually considered as a living organism. The main work of DNA in cells is to save information for a long time. The genome is sometimes compared to the Nile cocoon because it contains the necessary instructions for the formation of proteins and RNA molecules in different parts of the cell. The part of the DNA that carries the genetic data is called genes, but other DNA sequences have a structural significance or they are used to control genetic information.


Research on DNA and genes is possible by inventing new species of improved plant or crop. As the scientists of Bangladesh unveiled the jute life of jute This will make it possible to discover new and improved varieties of jute. Besides, scientists of Bangladesh have discovered the life cycle of fungal diseases that have caused devastating diseases of nearly 500 plants.


Due to genetic engineering, varieties of flood, drought and salt tolerant crops can be invented. Some varieties of paddy have already been developed in Bangladesh. Bangladesh earns a lot of foreign currency by exporting shrimp every year. However, exported shrimps occasionally sent back to Bangladesh. Because the presence of harmful virus or bacteria in the fish In this case, before establishing a DNA laboratory, the quality of shrimp can be tested.


GM food is another innovation of genetic engineering. Although its side, there are many debates about the opponent. Different types of diseases can be identified by identifying the specific changes of DNA. The identity of many of the people killed in Rana Plaza collapse recently has been identified through DNA tests. This examination is being conducted at the National Forensic DNA Profiling Laboratory, Dhaka Medical College. Identity of some of the victims killed in the fire has been identified in this way.
