Why I want to try DMT soon.

in #dmt7 years ago

Since my early primary school days I often found myself staring out of windows, pondering upon some of lifes great mysteries and dwelling upon questions that simply cannot be answered.

Was it the chicken or the egg?
How did they build the pyramids?
How did the universe really come about?
If there is always a beginning and an end than where did the atoms come from that started everything. Did they just create themselves into existence before there even was an existence?

Now, it's no big secret that with deep thinking comes a certain level of alienation. Afterall, it's not really a 'social norm' to exhibit abstract thoughts and unfiltered emotions within a society that is strongly geared towards extraversion.

I first started feeling like there was something very wrong with the world when I was fifteen. I just did not know what that "something" was.

I started observing my teachers and peers at boarding school and started to realize that obedience and conformity were not only encouraged but awarded.

'Fit in, obey, conform, consume were the general subliminal message that I was recieving. I could not figure out why society teaches us that we must 'get a degree, job, marry, reproduce, and than die, all while repressing our emotions and authenticity.

Why is there a war on drugs? When alcohol has taken more lives. Why are cigarettes legal? And why is DMT considered to be a "class A" drug when it is a basic chemical compound produced naturally within plants, animals, and the human brain? Is everyone meant to be jailed for exhibited a class A drug within our brains while we dream each night?

As Terrence Mckenna states "The masters who make the rules of this planet have taken away a major slice of what it means to be a human-being, a basic birth-right to be able to explore our own minds. If you do not know where you come from, you don't truely know who you are.

I believe the ego was created and put in place to supress the human race. Supression of mind, sexuality, creativity, authenticity and individualism. Imagination is the only place where the human soul is at home. In political terms - The empowerment of direct experience is the only real thing in your universe.

Psychedelics are illegal because they're afraid of us reclaiming our minds.

The truth is no one truely knows what is going on. The only experience that counts is your own experience. We as a species have lost our moral compass and we assume we need materialism to survive and be happy.

Nothing lasts. Not you.. not your thoughts.. not your friends.. not your family.. and the ego goes mad in the presence of that truth.

So.. is DMT really the answer to unlocking the truth about existence and reality? Perhaps or perhaps not.

I do not take drugs.. but i will be documenting my first experience with trying DMT in the upcoming weeks.

It is possible that the visions may be a bi-product of my imagination. The only way to be sure is to ask questions that i don't know the answers too and remember those answers once i regain conciousness.

I am about to take the redpill Neo.


You gunna take it alone? (Better being guided first! I did one alone, and felt like emptied of all my energy)
What bark will you use? (I suppose that first failed experience was due to a dried commercial bark from Azarius smartshop)
What continent are you located? (And for the last -- There is the place and vibration to keep in mind)

Thank you very much :) @justatg

Yes, I will be riding the high solo. Hopefully next week.

I ordered yellow strand bannister caapi (shredded) and i grow my own chacruna leaves. I think i only have 50g worth of leaves so i have ordered more chacruna leaves (powdered)

I'm not going to lie, I am pretty scared. I have only ever experienced mild lsd. But i feel like i have been dwelling on trying dmt (ayahuasca) for years but the plant never sought me out lol aka i could never get my hands on anything legit. I have had a few failed attempts from what i have ordered online before. I'm hoping that it works this time yet i am quite nervous about what i will see as my mind tends to be negatively warped at times... haha i am based in south australia. @alexoz

Do you live in australia? I would like to hear your story/tips. Thanks i got my chacruna from there. I tried to buy more but all out of stock lately haha damn.

Yes, I'm in Cairns. I'll travel to Perth meeting investors on the coast asap!

Taking this alone ? I do not suggest!
You will find communities and can join in proper ceremonies.

I put a few links in this article but I never wrote about my journeys I took in Bali with Diego, an amazing shaman from Peru where I felt protected and safe.

Very wise advice !!!!

It's a secret :I

Thank you for the info

Nice, well thought out piece. 👍

Please make sure you are with an experienced shaman who guides you through. It can be quite mind blowing. It's not just a "pill" . It's the most powerful miracle molecule and plant medicine.

Thank you Mammasitta, have you tried it? Unfortunately i don't know any real life shamans and have been itching to try it for over 5 years. I know it sounds immature but curiousity has consumed me and i need to do it. I dont have any experienced sitter. But i feel ready. I would love to hear your experiences if you have tried it though. Thanks.

Go to see Dr. Dipaunka...

Thanks guys. I appreciate the advice. Im still going to do it on my own in a few days though. Im not going to lie. Its stupid. But i expect it to kick my ass anyway. I do appreciate your input though :D

You are welcome!

In my experience, whenever a part of me wants to speed up on this path, I know it's time to slow down. It will cross paths with your life in the right timing. The more you trust and don't try to force it, the deeper and more profound the experience will be.

Like the first time you make love. Finding someone down on a street corner, paying for it, ripping your pants off and getting it done and over with as soon as possible isn't necessarily the optimal way to go about it.