
HAHAHAHAHA !! Yeah really @funbobby51, it is actually totally insane how our once incredibly diverse and surreal pandoras box of information became quickly through time Google, Facebook, Youtube and Twitter ! Talk about Gehttoisation of Human thought, couple that with the sort of Facistic censorship on steroids we are seeing now of Libertarian and Identitarian talking groups and sites and we have a recipe for disaster and no doubt in time death as ever when these deep rooted hardcore politcal movements move to take control of others around them !!

the only real way out of it is for the government to declare those sites to be utilities and essentially public accommodations and forbid them from censoring or blocking anyone on a political basis. Except of course that the government is the one giving them grants to censor people and suppress dissent.

Well @funbobby, from what I understand its a unilateral decision from Google and the others to shut down alt right conversations ! I dont think its expecially the government as a whole that asks for this ! This is more the work of Leftist agents inside these companies that are pulling this crap ! Yes I think your idea is the right one to ptotect free speech of all ! But whether we see this come about is quite another thing eh ??

nah, they are getting paid, I think it was in the most recent NDAA but I can't find a good article about it. That's why they went balls to the wall trying to squelch the crisis actor posts.
By not acting to force these companies to protect free speech they have just created a need for decentralized harder to censor platforms which will hopefully put them out of business.

Oh will be good to see these sh*tpiles of tryranny lose their market and go to the wall eh @funbobby51 ?, Will be righteous to see for sure, lets hope this happens soon and people get it and migrate to blockchain technology to reap rewards and speak freely on anything and anyone ))

every time they delete someone's video and block them from posting they create a new user for another platform