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RE: Meanwhile, in Canada

in #dmania7 years ago

What the fuck man. Illiteracy and memes don't mix. Plus this is pretty fucking incentivise. I worked right where this happend. Literally outside of the building.


1 million British girls were enslaved by muslims, wheres the outrage there? You only get upset when it effects you? People like me have been prepared to stop things like this for a long time while you live in la la land.

What are you talking about. Madness. Who said I didn't care about girls being enslaved - that's not what the meme is about......... Live in la la land eh? You know nothing about anything me related. Again stay on topic here..... We're talking about this meme.

If you find the meme offensive you probably live under a rock and get your news from CBC, probably not a very political type. They put little girls into fucking kebab meat, you ever heard of Walid Mustapha Chalhoub? The meme has a purpose and that purpose is pro-white. Were being genocided. People need to wake up to that. Canada for example was 97% white in 1971, today its 53% and by 2060 its set to be 20% white. BLM demands white people give their homes to blacks and so the predictable result is Zimbabwe, farm redistributions, farm murders, whites violently exterminated and the black run police forces not investigating. If this meme gets your jimmies in a knot, youre probably not doing enough to stop the problem. Thats what Im saying. La la land, were in the middle of a war. If youve been opposing this stuff for any length of time and havent been going around crying about racism and #NotAllMuslims, you should be jaded and unphased.

Dude dial it down you're making so many assumptions - I'm not arguing with you - did you miss the part where I said I worked at the place the attack happened. Did you know the guy was Canadian - you want a soap box to scream off of go for it. But stop making assumptions because I said the meme was insensitive - i know my shit brother I've not been under a rock. The point is people died like 24 hrs ago. Let the blood dry.

Muh too soon. Watch some mexican cartel face removing videos and tell me you still get physically upset at every random person who dies, so many atrocities go on unchecked - thats the real disgusting part. That people "say" they want to stop it but then do things like defend the attack. You just did that, you said an Armenian man - who wouldnt be here in a 97% white Canada - was Canadian. No hes not, and neither is Mohammad Fahmy.

Just because a mouse was born in a stable does not make it a horse. Armenia is east of Turkey, which safely puts him muslim homeland territory. Trucks of peace are an islamic phenomena.

Theres two kinds of people pretty much. People who are highly politicized and those who arent. When talking about Canadians, almost all of them are non-politicized and the ones who are have been brainwashed by the government owned propaganda arm, told white racism is the biggest threat to society. Antifa types who will say things like "Yea, except hes actually Canadian! Ha! Checkmate, bigot!" Its like a cop whos seen a lot of murder scenes, if you throw up, youre probably a fresh recruit.

Maphucka I grew up on steak and cheese / best gore / BME pain Olympics . That shit makes live leak look like treehouse. There you go again with your assumptions. Don't for a second think I'm some whiny antifa bitch. I don't watch msm. At all. And I dont use Facebook.

At this moment I'm watching Steven Crowder - after an hour of Infowars affiliated content. - I've been around a while - I'm 30 - I was watching Alex Jones docs pre YouTube.

I wasn't using him being Canadian as a trump card just pointing out that he was westernized - he was obsessed with Elliott Rodger - called ppl Chad's and Stacey's - wasn't screaming "alakhbar". The fact that he's of Arminian decent is irrelevant.

Like I said man. Dial it down.


Listen man I flagged you because you were talking shit and making assumptions about me- when I never got personal. I'll be nice and romove the flag - only because when I first started here I too got into it with someone and they flagged me. They had a rep of 70 and me a 40. They knocked me down to a 30. I know how it feels.

When gangs of 120 blacks are going around hacking up and butchering people, be sure to tell me how offended you are by the whites who oppose it and their scary memes.