Dlive.io 🔉 EN: Automatic chat TTS reader. PL: Automatyczne czytanie czatu TTS.

EN: Hi, Steemians.
I made a small web application today:

Dlive Chat Reader with TTS
It allows to automatically read (after converting text to speech) the last entry in the chat Dlive.io, or to read the last reply to the post on steemit. This should greatly help streamers-players who, accustomed to Twich, had such a tool there. It is difficult to read manually during the game so that should help.
Of course, the system is in beta. And it has a few problems:
- it can cut the reading after 10s if the entry is too long
- it requires that the page to refreshes every few seconds (not very elegant solution, sorry)
- it may not read, if some of special characters appires
I do not have too much time, but in my free time I will try to eliminate mistakes and do it better. Comment, ask, suggest if You like. Resteem it because it would be nice if this tool was useful to a wider crowd of dlivers and not lost somewhere in the sea of posts.
Here is a demo video of how this more or less works:
(I apologize for English, I have not used it for a long time).
PL: Cześć Steemianie.
Zrobiłem dziś małą webową aplikację:

Czytacz Czatu Dlive z TTS
Pozwala ona na automatyczne czytanie (po zamianie tekstu na mowę) ostatniego wpisu na czacie Dlive.io, albo na czytanie odpowiedzi do danego posta np. na Steemit. Powinno to znacznie pomóc streamerom-graczom, którzy przyzwyczajeni do Twicha mieli tam takie narzędzie. Wiadomo podczas gry ciężko czasem czytać manualnie.
Oczywiście system jest w fazie beta. I ma kilka problemów:
- może uciąć czytanie po 10s jeżeli wpis będzie zbyt długi
- wymaga aby strona co chwilę się odświeżała (niezbyt eleganckie rozwiązanie, przykro mi)
- może nie przeczytać, jeżeli pojawią się jakieś znaki specjalne jak apostrof itd.
Nie mam co prawda zbyt dużo czasu, ale w wolnych chwilach będę się starał eliminować błędy i zrobić to lepiej. Jak się podoba to komentujcie, pytajcie, sugerujcie. Resteemujcie bo miło by było jakby to narzędzie przydało się szerszej rzeszy dliverów i nie zginęło gdzieś w morzu postów.
Oto film pokazowy jak to mniej-więcej działa:
elegancko kryska na DLive :P
Napisałem na discord DLiva o tym. I te imię jakby znajome "Krystyna" hahaha
Carrio, jakby coś możemy zmienić :)
Bo niby miał być taki samaczek pod Ciebie, ale to trochę niebezpieczne, jak się ludzie przyzwyczają i będą wszyscy tak gadać, Krystyna i Krystyna :)
Może zmienię na Karynę...
Thats a nice feature. Thanks for sharing.
Hey, thanks so much for reminding about this on the DLive discord, I wanted to give it a test drive yesterday, but somehow forgot about it.
Of course, thank you for providing this feature to the DLivers, I am sure they all appreciate it a lot.
Absolutely going to check it out the next time I stream.
Hey, I watched your stream lately :). I was going to give you a link to TTS because You said it was hard to read and play at the same time, but you started to end stream :)
You would be the first person then, because I was just finishing writing and testing on your stream then :P
New version 0.9: https://zygmunt.pro/apps/tts/
Cool, thanks for tuning in to my stream :)
I've been busy with other projects these past couple of days, but I am determined to go live tonight and I will see about adding that app of yours to my stream.
And yes, I wish I could read all the chat messages as soon as they come in, but that's really a struggle if I play something like League of Legends where I need to focus on the game.
Seems like it's not working man, tried both ways of adding my links, just got a "Something is wrong..." message. Let me know when you're live on Discord or tune in to my stream tonight and we'll fix it together :)
Works, for me:
Maybe you tried too early, before the first written answer. Error means that there is no data, no replys too.
It was a bit of my mistake. I did not predict that there could be no answers on the new stream. My application then displayed a "no data" error.
I corrected the error, now it should not confuse the user:
"No data, check provided link or wait for the first reply on chat."
I added to the instructions:
4 - If there are no responses in the chat, you may see a "no data" error. It's normal, wait for the first answer, or write something yourself like: "Hello everyone." Even if there is error, the TTS system should read the first message after a while if it appears.
@indy8phish thanks for helping me understand this problem
Thanks to You, I managed to figure out how to check if the link really exists, or only there is no answer. From version 0.91 (which is already online):
With an incorrect link the system will check the post and user ID if it exists in the blockchain system, and if it does not, display an error:
And if there is a post, but there is still no answer in the chat, the message displays:
no fajna sprawa, mam nadzieję, że to narzędzie będzie ewoluować i gdy już wyjdzie z bety będzie wszystko elegancko działać a i fukcjonalnośc będzie szeroka ;)
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