My Second Steem Anniversary!
Steem has been such a blessing for me and I know I'm far from being an exception. Steem has helped me make so many new friends. Steem has done so much for me that it's hard to express how grateful I am for it and it's also hard to try to give back as much as it gave me.
In this video, I tried to express as much gratefulness as I could and it totally feels to me like it's not enough and it seems like there's no way it will ever be enough.
I've tried to express gratefulness and give back in each of my posts and comments. I've been thinking, breathing and sharing Steem pretty much every day ever since I've learned about it.
In July last year, I've left a job I had been working at for more than 10 years, thanks in big part to Steem. (link)
Blockchain has given birth to a new era for humanity an era most people aren't fully aware yet.
Thank you Steemians and Steem on!
Steem Anniversaries can be found on the 6th line at the left side of the screen.
Also today, I've run a 10k race and finished 9th overall without any training over the last month which blew out my expectations and helped make this day even more special.
(No training besides trying to keep up with @karensuestudios fast pace's life!)
Special thank you to @karensuestudios for editing this video and her awesome friendship!
Useful Steem Tool!
- (Excellent Starter Kit)
- minnow support project (14k members)
- coinmarketcap (STEEM Price and Exchanges)
- coinmarketcap (SDB Price and Exchanges)
- (Must See!)
- steemreports (Network's Stats)
- steemdb (Network's Stats)
- (Network's Stats)
- (Witness Stats)
- (Witness Stats)
- steemdata (Network's Stats)
- who mute me?
- top followers
- steemvoter (Automated Votes)
- steemauto (Automated Votes)
- steembottracker
- steemconnect
- vessel (wallet)
Some Of My Previous Post
- What Truly Matters!
- How National Currencies Are Created And Who They Profit
- Cryptocurrencies: The Best Investments Of All Time
- Understanding Bitcoin [if you know better let me know]
- Understanding Bitcoin Cash
- How To Buy And Secure Your First Bitcoin
- Empower Everyone, Decentralize Everything!
- Doing Away With Governments: How And Why
- The Only Meaningful Measure Of Success Is Joy
- Cryptocurrencies Stats And How To Invest
- Steem: Where Money Talks And Kindness Rules!
- Technological Abundance
- In The Name Of Freedom
- What I Do And Stand For As A Witness
My video is at DLive
Congratulation to your 2nd steem anniversary. I hope we can see more anniversary in the future. We are so luckly to be one of the first adopting this new trend in technology. We are making a trend now, we just dont follow someones trend. The first mover advantage is in this platform. I wish zi could have found this community since it was only began but ofcourse, God has His own best time for each of us. Thank you for always providing value on this community. We need more people like you @teamsteem
It's so awesome to see your face and hear your voice, and what a bonus to see @karensuestudios! 18 months in this place, what a blessing!! You rock and she rocks (and I rock haha!) xoxo Here's to two more years!!
Awww thanks ❤️❤️❤️❤️
What blows my mind is that you were a vegan working in a slaughterhouse before coming here and in two years the amount you have given to help make Steem a place worth staying is incredible! How many more of us will we free from actual or metaphorical slaughterhouses with the opportunity to freely create and share on Steem?
Being a part of your journey with you gives me hope that the number is very high of people we have already helped, are inspiring today, and will continue reaching in going forward!
I will resteem and am excited for my one year anniversary soon as well! Thank you for doing so much to make a community I was excited to join!
Thank you Jerry! I'm glad to know you and I've learned a lot from you and your posts! Thank you for the re-steems! I really appreciate them!
I've seen Steem positive impact in action and I'm also convinced this is only the beginning!
I totally agree with you. It really has done so soooooooooo much for us all although I have not had the success that you guys have had but it still has done a TON for me as well. I'm a photographer/livestreamer that was flat broke all the time but thanks to steemit and other platforms on the blockchain I make a few bucks here and there I have been here over a year and am coming up on the 2nd year anniversary myself ! Can't say that I don't love Steemit ever since day 1 I was addicted. I have some big plans coming up and I hope to find my spot here on Steemit. STEEMIT FOREVER!!!!!! I actually watched a ton of your content on youtube, you sure do know what your doing for sure and you are an example of how amazing Steemit can be.
This is a great milestone @teamsteem and congrats.
I am the first Ugandan about to make 1 year on Steemit and am happy and i have really benefitted a lot from Steemit.
I have to admit i joined and became active at the time you quit your job,that post really opened mind about the possiblities of Steemit....i was just new and it motivated me to remain up until now!
Congrats once again sir.
Wow man! 2 Years already! So cool! You are inspirational my friend! Hope t meet up with you one day and thanks for all that you do!
I hope we'll meet up too!
Okay, this shall be a mushy comment (too bad!)

You have been an amazing friend, through up and downs and thick and thin
You have been an inspiration, you spread positive vibes from nation to nation
If anyone deserves the best
it is for you ...and yours.... God BLESS!
Thank you B.A.! I always think I'm not doing enough but I'm always doing my best!
I'm not far behind you. Four more months to go. Good job, man. Congratulations and all that fun stuff.
Wow four months to your 2nd anniversary too?
Yes indeed. Time flies when you're having fun. Something like that.
and I'm guessing yours too is like 2 months away?😀😀
Indeed, you're right
Wow congrats in advance to you too 🤗
I’m yet to even have a first anniversary 🙈
But I will steeming 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼
There is a greener future in steemit if we just keep on steeming and never giveup even if the reward is not compensating with our effort at the start.
Oh yes !!!
I guess consistency and patience pays
Being for the community and not just the rewards
Good point @elizahfhaye
Well said! Steem is going to become bigger than Bitcoin and It's only just two years old and It'll have more network effects as the months go by...
Thats great @teamsteem. Its like you are the founding member of the steemit community. You have seen all the ups and downs here
Nice ..
Great video from you, well done
Thanks for sharing..