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RE: 2-1-2 Arpeggio Shapes - using a legato approach to connect single line melodies.

in #dlive7 years ago

Thanks for an interesting lesson. I'm trying to understand more theory. I can at least hear when I'm getting wrong notes :) I don't generally hybrid pick. I have some weakness in my right hand that makes this hard, so I may just try picking it. The sweep on the way down is a challenge too as it's not something I do.


Thank you @steevc .. well .. players like Steve Morse would power through this with alternate picking but that's like a Master Jedi Level thing.. it takes a lot of effort and apart from him I don't think I can recall a player that would just tackle this with a strict alternate fashion.. it sure does sound cool though :D .

The Hybrid picking thing takes some time to get used to as it is basically hand retraining.. but here is the Yoda of that:

He's got his thing mastered. It's fascinating how many different playing styles there are. We each find what works for us, but we can always learn from others.