Reaching Ghanaians With Steem.. (Steem Promo on social Media)

in #dlive7 years ago


Every single day comes with its own happiness and excitement. It gives us many reasons to extend the light found to many other people. Most especially those around.This has made @steemitashanti to share the message with those here in Ghana.We share with all steemians a message that members of our community prepare weekly to share with friends and loved ones they hang out with everyday.

This promo work is so much fun as we connect with Ghanaians to join us on steemit and see the new face of internet.We hope to send messages on all other social media to promote steemit in a very special way. Many thanks to all members of steemitashanti who take time to share this simple message to share with the world.
In this video is @anaman @emmanuelacheamp and @raskhern with their promo message to share with friends to join us on steemit.Many thanks also to all supporters of @steemitashanti.We believe your support can make us take steemit to a new different and a higher level here in Ghana. Thanks for your time.


This project is made possible by the leadership of steemitashanti,
@anaman , @collinz ,@odsam2 , @jeeandmee ,@serwaa and @mcsamm.


My video is at DLive


Steem can make an impact in the lives of Ghanaians, lets do our best to make this project a success

Certainly, every Ghanaian needs to be on STEEM.

It is a collective work bro..thanks for your support

Thanks for representing @mcsamm !
Upvoted and resteemed!

I believe @yensesa and @hyperfundit will help put Ghana on the Map

Start hitting the crypto blockchain world from all angles

Get a simple news story in your local online news site about a local hospital thinking about using blockchain not in sharing patient data on chain but in the form of steem front end to allow patients the option to earn and gaon theraputic benefits from online social interactions which can really help when real life interactions arent an option. Look at @cryptopie im sure he values all the steem hes earned much more than the majoroty of real world friendships that dont really yield much, sorry to sound harsh but real life interaction can be very superficial and when ur online people treat you more like a regular human being by default and dont immediatly judge you for your disabilities. Sorry let me get back to my point... hospitals can use steem and do it in africa... now imagine when we see stories about this from Ghanian newspapers online and then anothrr story about @mcsamm meeting with Mobile money mtn to talk to them about steemcinnect integration in their website etc to allow purchase of data wiyh sbd which mcsmm and @tj4real started doing already... we should get someone to write a local news story from official ghanian news paper website and yhat way we can provide multiple stories and we make a story abiut how we got @steemgh to teach steem at his old school he taught at so we can have stories aboit how Ghana is adopting Blockchain (steem) flr use cases in Hospitals, Phone companies/Mobile Banking amd even in schools and see how easy all thay can be? Wiyh a well cordinayed barrage of relevant videos all about Ghana and Bloclchain and how steem has opened yhe window into crypto for Ghana...if u havr yhese videos released at once with acompanied blog posts and u release those news stories , you can time it with other large african blockxhain news to really get people interested in Ghana and steem ... theyll see real stlries from all over ghana about people making money off steem quitting jobs to go fill time steem and then we csn show people like @mcsamm having talks with his local telecom MTN and then show @black-man and his @yensesa exchange which allows fiat cashouts for Ghanians with full legal compliance making Ghana one of the forst to have first steem and sbd to fiat cash out featurr....

And then our nigerian steemian friends can even start news stories and yiuyube paid promoted videos aboit steem csmp steem beauty pageants and similar sch ool and hospital iniyiatives for steem in nigeria and that will show crypto community that steem is not onky some isolated thing in Ghana but the world will be impressed when they also see steem in Nigeria and steem as the working functioning network paying people in sick beds and paying poor students and allowing young entrepeneurs to raise money and start businesses like (which can soon have an ICO using SMT s) when they see that miracle of steem paying people in many parts of African society then they will finally invest in steem like people do for the top 10 cryptocurrencies... we deserve a 5-10 billion dollar blockchain here on steem and its effects on the developing world will get us those big bill and melinda gates foundation funding to push steem marketcap up to 10 billion

Sure Ghana is certain for greatness @ackza

It feels just right having you to support the team. Help us reach many Ghanaians with steemit here in Ghana @ackza

We'll do our best to help with the effort! :)

I'm glad and willingly give my support @steemitashanti

Great going Ghanaians

Promoting steemchurch is all that needs to be done. Ghanaians and the world needs to know about the existence of steemchurch. Kudos guys

Steemit holds the future it is high time Ghanaian start enjoying such privilege

Certainly we all need to embrace the idea of introducing steemit to erybody. By so doing we can get more Ghanaians on board. It is a collective responsibilitiy and I believe since the leaders have set the ball roling we should keep up.