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RE: The Truth About Alex Jones And InfoWars Being Banned

in #dlive6 years ago

Why is it I wonder, whenever someone disagrees with another they are accused of hating them?

I have never made the statement that, I hate someone. I have stated that I hate an action or an opinion. On the other hand I have heard Alex Jones say that he hated particular people. Not once, not twice, but many times.** Additionally, he has suggested violence towards groups of people.

I have many family members who are pro-Trump and very conservative in their world view to include being xenophobic, racist, and almost fascist in their ideology. I love them dearly, but despise their views.

Read up a little on American History and you will find that our founding fathers did not agree on many things. Shoot they were not perfect, just men. They did find ways to work together to form our Nation.

Hate of others is a product of ignorance. There is nothing wrong with having differences of opinion, but this constant talk of hating this one and that one is counter-productive and a large part of the problem in our world.


You are hateful even if you say you are not. You seem to be against Souza and Death of a Nation and Dummycrats. It seems that you want America to fall apart the same way Rome fell apart, like Europe is right now.

I am sorry that is your perception. Just because I do not agree with the policies of either the far-left or far-right you call me hateful. I guess you feel it necessary to place labels on folks and place them into your little political boxes. If you must, you may label me a Centrist, i.e., one who believes the only way to progress is to make compromises and hear out each side.

Yes, I can be hateful. Evidently you can be as well as your comments towards me I perceive as hateful and argumentative. That is fine. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

Dan is not even talking to me right now. I try to tell Dan about certain people and things. Dan ignores over ten different points and things that I bring up. Dan pretends not to be hateful but is pretending to listen. Dan is not listening. Dan is either a bad person or a dumb person. Dan might be bad if he knows that I'm right in regards to Tommy and Gavin who was banned from Twitter for example. Dan might be dumb if he has no idea what I'm talking about in regards to Fair Use and Safe Harbor and other laws.