Wednesday Evening gaming stream

in #dlive7 years ago


Adult Language, and subject matter over voice is highly likely!!!

Playing some PUBG, and maybe some Rocket league depending on how things go.

If you would like to play some hit me up either here in the stream, or in Steemit, and we can exchange info.

We just won back to back squads.... and I wasnt streaming or recording :(

My live stream is at DLive


Nice cheater you caught. Sheesh. How many cheaters are there? I think I may try out some DayZ tonight.

Meh unfortunately its usually one a night or so, but thats part of their #fixpubg timeline they are working on getting on the cheaters more.

Yeah, it is still a fun game even with the occasional cheater, but I know I'll never be able to play enough to be as good as you guys are. It's not a good game for a casual player.