LOA Book Club Week 10 - Ask And It Is Given Part 2 by "Abraham Hicks"

in #dlive7 years ago


A handful of amazing Steem Creators got together to read and discuss books based around the Law of Attraction.

I am a little behind in posting so this comes from our tenth week when we read the second half of possibly the best-known law of attraction book of all, "Ask And It Is Given" by Abraham, Esther, and Jerry Hicks. For those not familiar with the teachings of Abraham it can be a little scary but there is nothing to be afraid of. Like all philosophy, you can take what resonates with you and leave the rest. This book has changed the lives of millions and is at the forefront of the LOA movement. Basically, if you are at all interested in Law of Attraction you have to read this book.

The group this week is comprised of some amazing human beings that you will be delighted to hear from. First, Carly @ogc, she has been involved and working with personal growth for many years. She has an open mind, an authentic voice, and a unique point of view. Next, Dan Fishman @hypnopreneur. He has practiced expertise on these subjects, a master of NLP, Hypnosis, and self-discovery. He has great insight into what blocks most of us from living the life of your dreams. Brittany Ryan @brittanyryan who grew up on LOA and has been practicing creating her life for 20 plus years. She has a fascinating insight into these techniques. Next, Brandon Parker @happymoneyman, he is a leading edge crypto investor with a wealth of knowledge. He also has unique life experiences and perspectives that give open-minded awareness. Lastly, me @larrymorrison, who is also an entrepreneur and a helper of humanity. I have been writing and speaking almost exclusively about the Law of Attraction on the Steemit Platform and attempt to make talking about these concepts easy and fun.

During the discussion, we talk about being aware of what we are putting out in the Universe with what is coming out of our mouths, being harmony with our inner selves, feeling unconditional love, taking our power back with unconditional happiness, understanding how many unseen forces are there to help us.

Please join us and listen in

Want to give a special thanks to IJ @steemcafe for putting on the Steem Creators Conference where most of us met. Also, shout out to @coruscate for her comment on our last post, hope you are reading along still.

My video is at DLive


I agree with you @larrymorrison that we should see ourselves in everyone and that we are not ABOVE Everyone else! loved your show and all your awesome guests ! Also moving on from negative thoughts is key and not dwelling on them. I love the concept to of going without like camping out , then realizing how great your warm cozy bed is that we tend to take for granted as well, and how grateful and appreciative we are for it!✌💕👍😀