Streamblog #3 // Why you should START STREAMING on DLive TODAY!
I would really like to say that you should've started doing this yesterday or actually a week ago, but okay, I'm going easy on you this time. You have not missed anything big and you can still hop on the DLive-train that is heading you to a Wonderland. Wait, where? A wonderland of what?
Let me tell you.
DLive is the first decentralized video live-streaming platform on Steem blockchain. You can live-stream pretty much everything and everyone can find something they could stream - gaming, music, art, learning, irl and many more to come.
Why should you switch to DLive in my opinion? As being the person who has streamed before on Twitch I can tell you a few things about this from my perspective.
Hard to get noticed
If you have tried streaming on other platforms then you must be familiar with how hard it is to stand out from the crowd. The bar is high and a new streamer with 1-2 viewers is not going to make it on the top easily if at all. You know you put a hard work into your stream.
Not feeling valued
You made an awesome overlay and vamped up your profile page to perfection. You know you are ready to be awesome if only someone would come and find you. You do great gameplays and all sorts of fun, but noone seems to care.

Easy to be noticed
Since DLive is new to the game there is enough room for everyone to be noticed at this point. There are only a handful of streamers who you can communicate with, make friends and collaborate. Everyone is friendly and the community is small, but freaking awesome. A family of DLive streamers is something you can't be a part of on another platforms.
Feel valued
Even if you don't have a lot of viewers the eyes of the DLive Team are still looking through every stream, every day and pretty much every minute to help people set up streams and give compliments to good looking streams. And the best part? If your stream is looking good, DLive is giving you credit by upvoting you with a good amount of money worth up to 200 USD per stream as we're speaking. You can feel valued for your hard work despite the big viewer number.
Grow with DLive
You have an amazing chance to be there from the start. To grow together with DLive and it's community. Help discover bugs, suggest features, share your ideas and watch everything develop and come to life with each update of the site.
To value streamers of DLive even more, DLive hosts different campaigns regularly where people can join in and earn some extra for creating some extra. Upvote values to participants of the campaign are pretty tasty and worth taking part of. For example right now there is a #BetterDLive campaign going where the selected participants receive a vote worth of 100-300 USD.
Never feel undervalued or unnoticed again with DLive!
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Im actually trying to make a deal with @dlive
Im really hoping to make it the home for Hots or Shots.
I truly hope we can come to terms.
I hope that for you too! Once everything with the site has settled down and things are more in place I'm sure it can happen.^^
Well timing is a factor of course.
I mean I will be launching the show VERY soon.
First five episodes are ready to roll.
I don't know the details about this thing, but are you sure we are ready to host it? I mean there are some faults still on DLive sadly, but if you have wandered on the site enough and feel this is the place, then I'm glad. : )
Well I have a lot of respect for what @dlive is creating.
I'd be willing to truck through the mud together and help the platform grow.
The show already has a ton of support and would bring a lot of new users to their platform.
We all start somewhere and im trying to make that journey with them.
That's really nice! Looking forward to see the show soon up on DLive then. I mean.. what's stopping you to start uploading it to dlive anyway? :)
I have terms.
This is a business
I am going to give it a try because I have tried a few times to upload a video to dtube and it just does not work for me, thanks for the encouragement!
yep, i'm hoping to get started soon, probably tomorrow and put together some tutorials for @teamvideo as well. will step through the setup and make notes tomorrow ;) also gotta buy a new streaming rig at some point!
Your post give me information
Thaks you
Yey a blog from you hihi coz I was waiting for one for some time ;) But I know you're enjoying dlive so that's great. I tried dlive on an event here but I think internet is so bad in the area. I found that in mobile, 2 phones work for me. One for the app and one for dlive. :)
Yeah, the schedule is pretty tight so I basically have to choose whether to blog or stream. Hard to find time for both, but I'll try my best, because I still have some topics set up to talk about. :P
I guess I just again discovered something new and it's like I discovered steemit all over again. Feeling motivated and excited and not getting much sleep, haha. Once the DLive hype calms down, I'll be in my right mind again I hope. :D
Just do what will make you happy :) And it's great to rediscover Steemit through dlive and follow through your hype while it's there.
I'm not a gamer but I'm curious what you look like in livestream and in what happens in a gaming livestream. Have no idea but it seems fun. I hope to watch one of your streams soon! :)