The Ultimate Selfie [Explicit Comedy]

in #dlive6 years ago


After watching Jim Norton's Mouthful of Shame stand up comedy special on Netflix, I got so excited I filmed my own 49 minute show filled with raw sexual humor and unforgettable stories that will leave you rolling on the floor laughing and/or praying to the porcelain god (vomiting in the toilet).

Thank you to the thousands of viewers and listeners enjoying the previous episodes at which gave me the courage to share this today with the hope you will find it funny and useful in feeling comfortable in your own skin. If I would have ever had the slightest idea 15 or 20 years ago that the behaviors I describe here in this video would be shared publicly, I certainly never would have done them which is the whole point of this. When we really want to change for the better, all we need to do is make a commitment to telling people about everything we do and have done which is exactly what I do here in this video by sharing several stories here for the first time that I used to be ashamed of.

With filming this video a week ago today, I spent seven days debating whether to even share this and also whether to promote it with voting bots. I am trusting you with this today because I LOVE hearing stories like what I share here. I am grateful for everyone that helped promote Jim Norton's comedy so that I found it on Netflix and therefore I am doing the same with mine. If you are willing to share at this level and want help growing online, will you join me at because I am available to help each of my partners to reach a wider audience and maintain self-sustaining businesses online?

If you would prefer to listen to this instead of watching the video, will you please enjoy this same episode on my podcast at or on iTunes at because you can then enjoy it on any mobile device easily on the go?

If after hearing my comedy you start remembering some of your own stories like this and would like to hear me share more of mine in a less vulgar way, will you please go to because my autobiography Speaker Meeting 2017 goes into much more depth about my struggles along with explaining how I gained freedom from them today all without the use of profanity?

Thank you very much for reading this and I hope you enjoy what I have shared here!


Jerry Banfield

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Our Most Important Votes on Steem are for Witness!

My video is at DLive


Jerry... delete this... don't do this to yourself or your family. I can't believe I'm seeing this... I can't believe I'm even saying this....

I agree. I hope he does too. I don't judge the guy at all. I think something is wrong right now and if anyone has a means, then a real hand of friendship and assistance would be good to hear about progress in that way. Maybe he just blew a fuse but if anyone takes pleasure in seeing that happening, it is those I have no respect for not the man writhing on the floor.

Looking at his eyes you can tell something is wrong. He needs help.

Wait till his Daughter watches it.

he needs to wake up, and delete this....

Although you are correct, it will bring shame to them and confusion - there might be a more serious crisis coming unless he handles the guilt, shame, and whatever other conflicts he feels internally. If this is part of a bigger thing, a serious crisis, I think his loved ones will just want to see the man safe. They wouldn't care much about what was said here. One hopes so anyway.

We're witnessing the "Kanyiffication" of steemits most love-hated witness. This strongly makes me question a lot about him / the character he portrays.... "Would you please" seems even more contrived. This Is either next level trolling or next level attention whoring at the expense of reputation / respect. Like is he going for a Doug Stanhope / Dane Cook vibe ? I'm so very confused.

My wife had a baby and is in the hospital, and I'm naked in the bathroom talking about my dick.
Jerry Banfield, Steem Witness 2018

For real!! I am utterly disgusted & immensely weirded out 😳🤢🤮

I honestly think he is having a breakdown... I'm serious too. I feel bad for the family to be honest.

I wholeheartedly agree - based on his comments about mass murder / suicide in the last bit of "comedy" he gave us I'm fearful of down downward this spiral will go.

I can´t watch the video ¿Did he made a porn?

No veas el video, sinceramente no vale la pena....

Vi treinta segundos y me aburrí y tan caro que están los megas de mi teléfono, nos lo iba a desperdiciar. preferí preguntar.

Actually goes the other way.

Hahah. The one thing that I will give @jerrybanfield is that he is willing to admit his secrets but I can't help myself.

This is Jerry after a masturbation session. He is lucky he didn't collapse his rib cage being folded in half like that.

Maybe that guy in the gif had more than Jerry's 5 and three quarter inches.

You do know you upvoted this post right?


you do know you take curation where you can right

fair enough

I guess you didn't like the video. I thought the video was interesting.

you are wrong that only dudes watch this past the 15 minute mark
just wanted to correct you on that :)

Thank you very much for letting me know that you watched past the 15 minute mark because in this case I am very happy to be wrong!


You are very welcome.... We are the ones in charge of our own Destinies! Here is a song, shout out to my peeps in DISCORD chatting this up :)

Upvoting because Blur rules.

upvoted cause they do rule

Blur is one of those bands in which you just can't listen to one song. "The Universal" is my personal favorite.

awesome band that's for sure, however today on steemit made me go.....

I ironically did put the lotion it its basket after a bit of a spa day :)

LOL! That's good that you put it in the basket or else you would have gotten the hose again :/

Love Love :)

post deleted

don't put in my thread, how crass....make your own thunder instead of riding my's hurts my feelings to see this platform used that way, boooooo oudekaas, this was me and @jerrybanfield chatting, this is not kosher

oh no prob dude. I delete it! Sorry need to figure out another way to get traction!

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Ironic Mystic is what life is all about.

I love that movie, thank you for making it relevant again!


Seriously ... WTFF!!! 🤮🤢🤮🤢

"my own dick motivates me to be nice"
-- @jerrybanfield

yeah... that makes a lot of sense

I appreciate all the spirit of "openness" and "freedom-of-expression" ... but that dumb rant mixed with your flexing and self-righteous self-help nonsense shouldn't be trending at all...

what does that have to do with stand-up-comedy anyways?! Where's the joke... that was nothing but a creep fest...

I can only flag for a few cents... but hey... congrats for managing to not choke on your own cock anymore I guess?!?

🤣🤣 fuuuuuuck man you nailed it. It's cringe city - he's talking like this while his kids in the house and his wife is at the hospital having just gave birth..... Xenu help us.....


Woah, excellent observation.

It was all I could think of LOL

I truly hope that behind closed doors, ole Jerry isn't a Frank Booth . . .

Let's hope not LOL

Wait... removed the video? Seriously? I'm not a fan of censorship... and I know neither are any of you!