A great leg workout trains the quadriceps, glutes, thighs, hamstrings, calves and focus on compound movements like squat, lunges. Just like any other muscle group, the legs can also benefit from higher repetitions. if you do this exercise 3x a week and you eat healthy and sleep right for the next 8 weeks, not only you'll have a stronger legs but leaner and sexier as well. Enjoy!
Steemit: @janicehung
Instagram: @janicehungwushu
Youtube: Janice Hung
Facebook: JaniceHungTV
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My video is at DLive
wah thanks for sharing!! you look sooo fit!
wah thanks for sharing!! you look sooo fit!
@janicehung All your fitness videos are excellent. The main reason is that you show how the fitness routines can be accomplished in a small space, with no equipment. So anyone can do these without having to pay out for expensive gadgets to improve their health. Your method is simple. Your message is also simple; You can do it! So, just do it! Thanks so much for these, and all your hard work to spread your message that fitness can be fun and done by anyone!
You are really great doing work out!
You ate very inspiring to others... last time I wanna join your challenge but I wasn't able to make it because my body is not flexible...
Keep it up @janicehung.... stays fit and healthy!
Thanks for sharing...
Another awesome workout! Thank you so much for always sharing your exercises.
A helpful workout. this will help specially to my Breakdance Career. Im lucky enough that i have followed you mdm :)
Hi Ms @janicehung! Sorry to bust in, just wanna share this. You can follow @Shareables for free resteems. They randomly pick good contents everyday from their lucky followers and resteem them for free. Though it was only very recent since they started their campaign, I am one of their supporters who believes they can be of great help in time.
I bet @Shareables would be more pleased to have you on board. :) It's my way of showing my support to them. Help spread the word too! :)
Will check it out 😊
You can check about their campaign here. Cheers! :3
Wow excellent workout. I appreciate you.
Gracias por los consejos en cada video. Importante para fortalecer las piernas. Ahora quisiera tener la fuerza :)
Hey @janicehung, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! :)