The Splinterlands // My Original Song Created for Steem Monsters

in #dlive7 years ago (edited)


The Splinterlands // My Original Song Created for Steem Monsters

This is the main theme that I created for Steem Monsters called The Splinterlands.
I'm extremely excited that @aggroed asked me I demanded that @aggroed allow me to be the Director of Musical Content for Steem Monsters!

Creating music is one of my favorite things to do.
Although it always results in a cathartic experience, the process can take place in various ways.

Sometimes I dream of music where I usually hear full arrangements and have to drag myself out of bed in the middle of the night to record the idea before it slips away.

Other times there is frustration where I am working through an idea for days or even weeks.

But one of my favorite ways is in a case like this song where I heard the idea in my head while I was awake with a clear mind and the energy to sit at the piano and easily formulate the entire idea to completion.

I presented the idea to @aggroed last week and he suggested simplifying the melody so I made this recording with the adjusted melodic changes.

When I told Shane (@swelker101) about the conversation I had with @aggroed he reminded me of this scene from "Amadeus" and it made me laugh out loud:

"There are simply too many notes!
Just cut a few and it will be perfect!"

"Which few did you have in mind, your majesty???"

My video is at DLive


I love this! I can see variations on the theme, with different instruments and tempo brought in to bring darkness and depth, or carefree and lighthearted. If would be interesting to do a contest to see if other musicians could take the melody and come up with alternative versions, or mix pieces in to create a longer symphony. I'm not sure if im explaining this right, musically inept, but so much potential for innovation. Most excellent!

Yeah, this is a GREAT tune, with a good amount of texture and depth. This could totes be awesome with some instrumantal mix.

It's so perfect as a "game" tune - the kind of thing people will easily remember. You know, like when you're thinking about your favorite video game or comic, you always know how to hum the tune. This is so perfect!

Thank you! That makes me happy that you think so. :)


Mr. Meepy!!!


Mr. Meepy!!!

meepy meep

Thank you! Yes, exactly! @harrisonmr and I are working on the production and variations on the theme now. :)

In my defense... there were too many notes!

She's referencing a conversation we had where I said it's really important for the audience to be able to hum and boop and along. Do do do DOOOO.

You gotta be able to sing it. Version one she was twillin' out! This one there's still some twill's but now I can follow it and repeat it.

My daughter said it sounds like adventure when she listened to it.

I've already used the song to get through some shitty parts of my life thinking more Steem Monsters lie ahead. That's the whole idea.

Good work muh dear. You truly are a lovely person of incredible talent!

Thank you Ag...I'm glad this song has helped you get through some rough times. <3
You're a lovely person!

Hey, I was just thinking the same thing! It's like this really catchy tune the listener will remember and easily associate with their all time favorite game. :@)

I'm heading back in time to congratulate you on this amazing track. I used it in my game jam submission and it really is something special. I was able to listen it over and over through testing and never stopped enjoying it. You have a lovely gift!

Nice melody.
It suits the title Splinterlands like a fine pair of shoes suits a smart suit :D
Gripping !
Had me singing it straight off the bat :D
got my vote all the way!
Here are my thoughts put into musical context.
Sweet! :D

Sorry it took me so long to respond...I love your video....and thank you. <3

No problem, I know it's uber tricky to stay up to date with replies.

I write atmospheric music myself and may have a beautiful tune suited for steem monsters.

Would you care for a listen? It is only short, but it tells it's own story :)

Hey @isaria very nice composition. i am a singer and music composer as well really thats very melodious composition and the way you played chords were great. Best part at 0:46 changing to different note and chord was beautiful you did that around 4-5 times in the video. Best of luck for your future looking forward to see more from you

Thank you so much for your lovely comment. :)

wonderful song, delicate, lagendary, spiritual, your composition is perfect, I congratulate you your ability to . Greetings and much success @isaria.

@betzaelcorvo If there is any bounties we will let people know??

Thank you!

Placing a GinaBot on you is one of the best decisions I have ever made on steemit...
Your songs are like drugs, I am addicted and cant walk away from it.
About waking up at night to record songs.
I also do the same, as an artist and a writer I always walk around with a pocket jotter or sometimes I use my phone to record the idea.
If I am correct, you can write songs, right? Try keeping a jotter closeby

Thank you so much, that's such a nice compliment!

This is SO beautiful. I love how it's mysterious, driving, dark, and yet with something almost sweet. Longing, perhaps? Really well done, my friend. 💖

Excellent description!!!!
Thank you so much Katrina!

I am speechless! This song was absolutely stunning. I was so excited to come listen to this after we talked about it on our live stream today! I love the overall vibe and feel of the song. It is adventurous, hopeful and mysterious all at the same time. <3

I'm with you @coruscate! This is a sensation piece of music. I'm so excited to see it put together for such a sensational game. It does have all those aspects - adventure, mystery, hopefulness, darkness. Perfect. Thanks for popping in on the show today @isaria! We just love your guts!

Looking forward to your next show!

Thank you! That means a lot coming from you! That's a perfect description as well <3

I really really really like this!

Thank you!!!