
howdy again everlove! so you work at the gardenofeden? I live abot 35 miles Northeast of Dallas so I'm a ways off but like to support fellow Texans!

I suppose in the grand scheme of things we are really close--at least in comparison to many of the other Steemians. I do live at the @gardenofeden. And a miraculous life it is! Thanks for your support @janton.

howdy again everlove! well that is so interesting...that you live there. I mean what is that like and how many people live there? I guess I know precious little about the place except the food always looks amazing and ya'll have such big hearts in feeding others for free, it's been very impressive to watch.
Are the police leaving you guys alone now?

It is amazing here--other worldly, really! We always have a varying amount of people. We are blessed with our very core group right now of about 8, but have had upwards of 20-25 at times.

The food is amazing--grown and prepared with love. Doesn't get much better than that. Holding space for consciousness and the divinity of children are truly the most valuable parts for me.

Not since their 3-in-one-day trespasses in May have we had a visit from our local police. May it continue to be so. Thanks for asking. I appreciate your comments and your concerns @janton.

howdy again everlove! Well that is so interesting. Are the living quarters in one building like a dorm?
I'm so glad that the police haven't been back, maybe they decided to leave you alone. I mean I'm sure they have more important things to do!'
God bless you for helping so many people!

We have had many different housing situations - dorm style living, geodomes, trailers, tents, teeny tiny homes, hammocks, earthwomb and in house stays. Ever changing as the needs arise.

Let's hope the police find something more valuable to do--they haven't proven to know what that is--more on the hunt for prey. But anyway, we will rise above and continue to live the change, and grateful to help so many.

howdy again everlove and thank you so much for getting back with me again! I sure admire everything you do to help others so I hope to stop by someday, I've never even been to Fort Worth and I want to do that anyway.
Yeah I don't understand the police, they get on somebody and then keep harassing them at times but maybe they will keep distracted by situations which actually need them.

The established "authority" isn't too keen on free people with free thoughts and actions, and certainly wants to be sure that freedom does not spread. It is obvious that @quinneaker has some very powerful and empowering realities to share. So far all of their attempts to stop him have been huge blubbering blunders which need to shown and shared with world for the greater good.

I appreciate your comments @janton.