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RE: Dlive logo design

in #dlive7 years ago

These are some killer logos! You do some serious dimensional work!

Yeah, I did a blog post about the disqus thing for my followers, tried to warn the dlive team, but they seemed surprised that I would think to warn people that the voting platform is a non steem system.

What can we do, the team is from a social media background it seems.


why the hell login via google+ for the Dlive blog, when I am logged in Dlive with my Steemit account. Just makes no sense.

Well, technically speaking, their blog is not connected to steem, nor the site. So your steem logins will never work there.

I think I know what they were thinking, that users outside steem were those that needed to be appealed to. While we steem users were obviously the first to hear about dlive, they have a lot of systems in place that show me that they care more about 'normies'.

In the end that may be smart, everybody else is a bigger pond than steem users. But I do think they could have been a little clearer in their steemit post about the fact that they were leading us to a third party site with third party logins.

Ironically, disqus is a centralized,non-tokenized version of what steem is trying to do, a 'plugin' that will let you vote with one account, everywhere on the web (that has the plugin installed.

They have chosen their strategy! What we do is up to us, I'm along for the ride at least, and I try to chip in my two cents along the way haha. It seems that rendering awesome 3d animations is your contribution!