Vote For Your Favorite Design in The DLive Logo Contest

in #dlive7 years ago


Hey DLivers,

We are currently hosting a logo contest and we are looking for 1 talented designer to create a logo for the New DLive. If you didn't see Charles' latest blog with the details of the contest, you can read the announcement, here. Round 1 of the contest ends Friday, August 30 at 11:59PM Pacific Daylight Time, so there is still time to submit your logo if you haven't already.


We want to encourage all the members of the DLive Community to vote for their favorite designs. You will find instructions on how to cast a vote below.

How To Vote

  1. Visit the contest blog post

  2. Scroll down to the comments section

  3. Click on the Login button
    (This blog is external to Steemit so do not use your Steem keys to try and login. Acceptable methods of logging in are: Disqus, Facebook, Twitter and Google)


  4. Review the designs posted in the comments and click on the upvote button to vote for your favorite ones.


The voting deadline is Wednesday, September 5. So don't miss out on this chance to vote and help us decide on a logo for the New DLive.


Visit The Official DLive Store!




Discord.png Instagram.png Twitter.png Reddit.png Facebook.png Telegram.png


umutkarakus logo is best xd

Umut reyiz yakar buraları 😂

I'm participating in this contest too

This is my entry:

This is my work:
logo 3.png

logo 2.png

Good luck to everyone!

I wanted a Japanese-type font, so I downloaded a free font called "Karate". I made this in gimp by creating 3 layers. One layer for the Yellow text. One layer for the shadow-colored text. One layer for the hidden ninja in the shadows. I wanted the ninja to be subtle to almost not be noticeable, but if you looked for it, you could find it. I also alternated the shadows for the "D".

Excellent way to choose democratically the best logo, there I will be to give my value for the best logo

What is democratic about voting via disqus or any other shitty social media?

I do not really know why we are on DECENTRALIZED social medium, but we have to use completely obsolete sites to cast our votes.

@eirik The idea is that dlive is present as marketing in the centralized social networks because there are more new people who can join. I think it's a great opportunity to increase more audience and use dlive

New logo make sure for dlive

Plenty of interesting works, have problem with chose which one :D

I like to vote on stuff!