Update | v0.6.0: Our Most Exciting Update!
Welcome to another DLive.io update announcement.
Before we get to the updates, we want to take a moment to thank everyone that has been using our platform. The community is what makes DLive special and that is why we truly believe the rewards belong to the author. DLive does not take any beneficiary rewards. With that being said, the DLive Team is working around the clock, to bring you the best live streaming and video experience.
Soft Launch of DLive Stream Servers
We are proud to announce the DLive Stream Servers. We have upgraded our infrastructure to include servers around the world (North America, Europe, Southeast Asia and Australia). When using the DLive Stream Servers you will automatically be assigned to the server that suits you best.
When using the new stream servers you can expect a dramatic decrease in latency, with a higher video quality, improving the experience as a live streamer overall.
We are calling it a soft launch because we may encounter issues and want to resolve them before the official launch, but we want to give the community a chance to use these new servers and provide us feedback.
There will be a slight change in the process to start your broadcast. You will be given the option to select between the DLive Stream Servers and Wowza Servers in your Go Live Dashboard. If you use the DLive Stream Servers, enter the encoder information into your broadcasting software before clicking Next.
The recommended settings when using the DLive Stream Servers is:
Keyframe Interval: 2 seconds (THIS IS IMPORTANT)
Video Bitrate: 2500 to 2800
Authentication Needed: No
Encoding: Software (x264) or NVENC H.264
Audio Bitrate: 160
Rescale Output: 1280x720
Rate Control: CBR
Enforce Streaming service bitrate limits: Yes
Encoder Preset: Veryfast
Profile: Main
Recommended FPS: 30
When using the recommended settings above, ensure that your upload speed is atleast 3.5Mbps. If the recommended settings do not work, try lowering the settings but always keep the Keyframe Interval at 2.
Screenshot in OBS Settings:
When using the DLive Stream Servers you may run into an issue with the past broadcasts being lost. This is a known issue right now and a fix is being worked on.
If at any point you experience issues, please report them to the DLive Team on Discord and switch back to the Wowza Servers(legacy stream server).
URL Preview
When posting your DLive URL on other platforms (e.g. Slack) you will notice that the Thumbnail, Title and a brief Description will show up with the link. We are still working to enable this feature within Discord.
About Page
We have officially launched the About Page. This page is something that you can share with your family and friends to give them a brief description of what DLive is.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the emoji in Title bug.
- Follow bug when entering a live stream or video of a person that you have already followed.
- Other miscellaneous bugs fixed.
If you encounter bugs, please let us know about them. Reporting bugs can be done through the Help Center or via our Discord Server #help-center channel.
What's Coming Next?
We want to give the community something to look forward to. We will be including this section in all of our update announcements going forward.
Some of the functionality and features that we are currently working on are:
- Off-Chain Live Chat Room.
- DLive Streaming Alert Functionality.
- "Gifting" Features.
- "Make Requests to the Broadcaster" Features.
- User Interface Re-Design.
Visit the DLive Official Shop!

Great update and great app.
One question though. If you don't take beneficiary rewards, how do you plan to pay for the servers and support development in the long-run?
I imagine hosting all these videos will require a pretty big infrastructure?
Hello @kirkins,
Thank you for your question and comment.
We do not use delegation to fund the DLive project as we do not take cuts from author rewards.
In the near future, our project will be funded by:
Dlive tokens sound awesome :)
That just sound really amazing. I think you'd take over the DTube market share too with that kind of a model. Wish you the very best of luck!
Dlive has 2million delighted SP, plenty to fund the project.
Right on @quinneaker. Not taking a cut of the rewards makes me want to use this platform instead of Dtube. Thank you @dlive for creating an incredible platform for us content creators to flourish.
Been asking this since i joined dlive great you did and got some answer. I guess the answer i'm willing to take is the 2M delegated SP is enough to share with the team as @quinneaker stated.. But we don't know how this will play out in the long run... Never know when the delegator, we all know who, will take it back. So when that happens, this question will play in everyone's mind.
Great update @dlive
I have been wondering the same thing.
Thank you for asking.
We are most likely thinking about other systems and ways people can support our growth and development by their own will. That means that whoever wants to support, can do so, but we are not forcing everyone to do that.
Thank you guys. You are the most viable growth point in the whole steem ecosystem.
Awesome! Lower latency and the 'coming next' features sound great. Question for the development team: will you be adding any kind of API endpoints or anything that will be able to used to work with the new features?
Since our development team is not active on Steemit I'll take the courage to answer on behalf of them:
Yes, we are planning to release an API at some point, but before we want to get the main things done so everything will work nicely when we do that.
Let's knockout YouTube. Love it!
Great news Dlive, love all the new features. Upward and onward. I'll will try out the new settings right now on my Dlive!
Yes! This is great news! I love the URL update, now others can see a description and image. Hopefully the Discord feature will be implemented soon! Thanks for the info!
Great updates and the features that you're working on looks exciting too. Soo pleased to be part of this amazing community :D
What a comeback! Thank you so much for your great efforts and invest. I can perfectly understand that you're excited about it - and so are we.
You'll find lots of purple coloured emoji hearts in titles from now on, I hope you're aware!? :-D
Thank you!!! 💜
loved and resteemed
Cannot wait to use these for exhibition in a few weeks latency was something I was worried about; smashed it!!
Great job team @dlive! I noticed my stream quality increased quite a lot today and I already have pretty much the same settings as you recomended other than themost important one -.-
Using 2500 bitrate made me drop a lot of frames though, had to downscale to 2000. Could this be because of keyframe interval being set to 0? My connection is ~100/15.
@runicar - Most probably it's because of that. Please try by setting it to 2, it should work fine.