DLive: Is the 2nd Amendment Totally Outdated?
A received a call asking whether the 2nd amendment is outdated
I believe it is. It was written hundreds of years ago when "bearing arms" meant something completely unlike what it means today.
What do you think?
My video is at DLive
I used to live in Kennesaw Georgia! Lol Many moons ago! Thanks for the blast from the past!
A distorted rule change
On the one hand you sound the alarm that Trump and his administration are very dangerous, and at the same time you are saying the second amendment is outdated. I have to tell you, I'm baffled by this. The second amendment's whole purpose is to give citizens leverage against government overreach. You ought to know this. There's nothing outdated about it. If there is one constant throughout human history it is government abuse and corruption.
On a totally unrelated topic, JORDAN CHARITON is coming to Steemit. I wonder if you could try to get an interview with him about the future of Steemit and independent news. I really respect him and I am so glad to see honest news sources like him and you coming over to do news and information on this platform.
We may have never had AR-15 back then, but the military also didn't have tanks.
All Bill of Rights amendments are subject to reasonable limitations and people should recognize that this also applies to the 2nd Amendment. Nobody needs assault weapons, for instance. But the amendment is important to a lot of people, so I would not take it away.
It depends on what type of weapons your opponent is using. You can't fight rifles with pistols. Doesn't work.
My point of view on 2nd amendment is that it gives room for rethink or reconsideration where necessary.It is an understatement for one to say that 2nd amendment is outdated.
your subject dlive. this is good
Hi @davidpakman Wow - this is really opening a can of worms - I live in Australia .... so am not qualified to comment (luckily).

But one question I do have is how does DLive differ from DTube ?
No, 2nd amendment will never be outdated.