Mini Vlog // When Is the Last Time You Felt Uncontrollable Joy?

in #dlive6 years ago


Hi Friends!

It's been a little while since my last mini-vlog. I like using this video style to ask a thought provoking question, or maybe share something that's been rolling around in my mind - all in the hopes of sparking thought and discussion.

Today I am thinking about the topic of pure, uncontrollable bliss. The kind where you can't stop smiling and it seems that you have no worries in the entire world.

I was at the lake today, laying in the sun, and suddenly felt overcome with gratitude for the moment. It made me realize that it had been a while since I had that feeling of pure joy.

Why had it been so long? Is it because my life isn't full of joyful, beautiful, amazing moments? In this vlog I talk about how those moments are always available to me and making conscious space for those moments can have a profound impact on my entire day.

Think about this question for yourself. Has it been a while since you felt that absolute, uncontrollable joy? If so, then maybe ask yourself the same question. What's getting in your way of feeling that more often?

I look forward to hearing your thoughts in the comments below and hopefully getting into some interesting discussion.

XO, Lea


My video is at DLive


My most joyous moments are usually when I'm the baseball field or playing a gig on the drums. Once I'm in either of those places, it's another world far from everything else.

My last joyous moment was clobbering a home run a week ago the same day I found out I had to put my pet down. It was a distinct wave of elation as I rounded third towards all of my teammates waiting for me at home plate. It was a welcome release with nothing else to worry about except soaking in the scene.

Awesome that you had that homerun to lift your spirits on such a hard day - even if just for a few moments.

I also find that music takes me out of my head and totally into the moment. It seems like most creative and physical outlets can do that. For me, running and dancing have a similar affect too.

I had a few moments like that this week!!! But they don't happen every week... so a good reminder to allow them into my life more!

So great that you had a few of these moments already this week!! Glad to hear your week is off to such a fantastic start!

I'm really glad you enjoyed this video. Thanks for stopping by! :)

Last year when I received the payment from a data-entry job I had been doing in a cybercafe, because I had no internet where I lived before. With the money, I could rent a room with internet connection and buy a laptop to work

Wow, that sounds like an amazing moment!! Big shift in your quality of life to have your own laptop and ability to work from home. Thanks for sharing! <3

'...conscious space for those moments...' thank you for sharing. I too need some bliss and joy. let me watch.

Mmm I'm so glad you found this message encouraging!

Yesterday... 😂

La última vez que viví un momento muy feliz fue en un encuentro de jóvenes, donde reflexionamos sobre nuestro proposito en la vida. Y tiene que ver con el sentimiento de la alegria y la felicidad. Quiero más momentos así, me llenan de mucha alegria. Me siento plena, así como tú al tomarte un descanso en el lago.. Aqui esta mi post sobre ese momento alegre:

The last time I lived a very happy moment was in a youth meeting, where we reflected on our purpose in life. And it has to do with the feeling of joy and happiness. I want more moments like that, they fill me with a lot of joy. I feel full, just like you taking a break in the lake .. Here is my post about that happy moment:

Glad you got to experience a wonderful moment. The moments I feel this way are usually at the end of a day where I am at a gaming convention, have just spent the day running many games for people who seemed to have a good time playing them, and am relaxing with some friends having a drink or two. Tomorrow can wait, I am only thinking about now.

So glad you got to experience this at the lake today. It's funny because I find myself telling my kids how lucky they are to know about the law of attraction at such a young age and how many adults only find their own power to be happy regardless of circumstances after they've suffered for so long, but yet I forget this myself! I find myself stressed out and frustrated far more often than I'd like to admit. I guess those feelings are like habits that we have taken on and now that I know so much more I need to just keep on doing my deep breaths, retrain my neuro-pathways and raise my vibration! I found my own moment of bliss during a short hike across our property the other day. The mosquitoes were insanely aggressive, biting through denim and repellent sprays and the kids were whining, yet I saw the river with the beautiful mountain backdrop. So I took a breath and captured this image. With all the the chaos at the time I couldn't soak it in the way I would have liked, but I keep looking at the image now and it brings me peace. Sometimes we have to be creative about finding our bliss.

Lots of love sister!

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