PUBG - with BINIR p3
Hi, Sorry i couldn't stream yesterday i had some IRL stuff to do, was busy.
Hey! but we're back with more pubg. I was also thinking of maybe getting World of Warcraft considering i've never played WoW and the new expansion coming up, it would be pretty cool to stream me level my character to max level and learning the game along the way. Please comment if you would like me to or just give me other game suggestions to stream
Todays games:
- Pubg
- possibly some cs:go (mm)
My live stream is at DLive
#dlive-broadcast #dlivebroadcast-game #dlivebroadcast-dlive #dlivebroadcast-pubg #dlivebroadcast-dliver
Naah it's not lagging
Sup! Volume and Mic is alright but I can hear u Exhale onto the mic haha
The Mic's not That bad, it's pretty good
It's all good
2 FPS is godly
No ur Stream is fine, i get 2 FPS on all games Hehe
hahahhahaha forgot to jump lmfao
Behind, hehehe
Stream goes to like 360p-ish sometimes