haha. maaan, cuphead is insane! I found you because Im currently on the lookout for developers to talk to about an idea I have. It is for an evolution based tamagochi style game that could potentially be classed more as an experiment than a game, but has plenty of room for discussion. I imagine its main development feature would be packets of information that can in turn create new packets of information, and that the complexity would be indexing the relationships between the information. I am not a developer so I am not eloquent in this field and I realise that this sort of thing is a lot of work so I am looking for developers who are excited about the concept of artificial evolution and would be interested in a passion project. Obviously in the crypto world there is plenty of potential to monetize but those considerations may have to be secondary to the thrill of the experiment! if this is something you might be interested in then please let me know and we can chat. You've obviously got tonnes of experience and Im just a crazyloon with an idea, but if you fancy a project, this could be an interesting choice..... ;) basil