[SteemGC] Playing Pubg Running For Chicken Dinner [Dlive]
Come have a chat with me as I play PUBG Thank you to all who have supported me by following, commenting and upvoting my streams/content and to DLive for offering this exciting new platform. discord: https://discord.gg/QEnNK5w Come to our discord channel for play with us and get more information Dlive
Yayınımıza Gelip Bizim le chatleşin. Kanalı Takip ederek yayını beyenerek ve yorum yazarak bize destek olabilirsiniz. Steemit ve Dlive özerinden nası para kazanıldıgı hakkında daha fazla bilgi almak için discor kanalımıza bekleriz. https://discord.gg/QEnNK5w
My live stream is at DLive
Have a nice stream dude
I love this post

çaylar nerde hanii
çaylar yolda geliyor :D otobuse verdim :D
Hello, nice hat, good for the game environment^^ Have a nice stream
i got sound problem i will fit it end of this round
Hey there! What happened to sound
thanks for upvote
headphones not working i have to restart pc
i fixed i think