[Acid Streams] League of Legends - Vel'koz Mid
Playing some competetive League of Legends while listening to some music.
Feel free to drop by and check the stream out, please don't spam in the comments though as I will be flagging spam and rewarding genuine comments instead. Thanks.
My live stream is at DLive
Just checked it out and can see that you are still doing some set ups and choosing your players .
I like the song in the background. Perfect for gaming . Have you ever tried listening to a slow song while gaming? Lol
It's been long I last witnessed the League of Legends gameplay. I don't think it'll be bad for me to join the stream.
Ok.... Off to Dlive.. Prepare for the bloodbath.
Let me get my headset and popcorn
d live~~
Inspiration idea, dlive ..
Somethings never change , acid playing velkoz mid
every damn yi thinks they're invincible.
Vel'koz looks like a fun champ to play. But I hated playing against this champ cuz the abilities are quite long range and pretty tricky :D
@acidyo Watch live to enjoy music haha ♡. Thanks for posting

what is the name of this song?
League of Legends patches on their way.
sir i am a very poor Man. So, I am not give upvote for you. keep it.

so sad ......
amazing music. that great league for music lover. thank for sharing