There is no crop in the crop. So the flower farming started.

The overall cost, including irrigation, fertilizer, and parchage, is far less than flowering than other crops. Besides, it is possible to cultivate flowers all year round. So flowers are becoming increasingly popular in Gaibandha. Once the demand for flowers was met by Gaibandha market by buying from different districts of Jessore, Rangpur and Gazipur. And now the farmers of Gaibandha farmers are going to fulfill the demand of the district districts of nearby districts. Most of the flowers are cultivated in Sadulapur and Sundarganj districts. Here, about 50 acres of land has been made of flower ornamental flowers including rosemary, resin, and mantas. Apart from flower cultivation, employment is also done through gardening, flowering, transportation and marketing.
Workers working for wages of up to Tk 300 per head in every garden, on average, 4 workers They are happy. Garden owners want timely suggestions of agricultural departments, technical assistance and shortage of agricultural credit. Meanwhile, the Department of Agriculture demanding the necessary assistance to encourage farmers to increase flowering cultivation. Agricultural farmers are encouraged to provide agricultural loans if interested farmers apply. Farmers are hoping that in the form of flower cultivation in Gaibandha, it will soon be transformed into cash crops like paddy and jute.
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Flowers are just as nice.